The NCHS "Fight" Song

The NCHS "Fight" Song is in the key of 'C' and the time signature is 4/4.

Measures are separated by 'bars' thus: ||

Fractions contain the pitch in the numerator (C, G, etc.) and the value (time) in the denominator. Thus an 'A' note sung for a quarter note is written: A/4, and a C note sung for a half note is writen: C/2.



3/4rest G/4 || G/4----G/4dot F#/8 G/8 A/8 || G/2 E/2 ||
All Hale To Cas - per High School

A/2 B/4 A/4 || G/1 ||
N C H S !

F/2 G/4 F/4 || E/2 G/2 ||
Hale To Our High School

F#/4 upper C/4 B/4 A/4 ||
Hale Hale Hale Hale

G/8 A/8 B/8 A/8 G/8 F#/8 F/8 D/8 ||
Hale To Cas- per Dear Old Cas- per

G/4----G/4dot F#/8 G/8 A/8 || G/2 E/2 ||
Hale To Cas - per High School

A/2 B/4 A/4 || G/1 ||
All- ways On Top !

C/2 B/4 A/4 || G/4 E/4 C/4 F/4 ||
We'll Yell For Cas- per High And

E/2 D/2 || C/1 ||
Ne- ver Stop!