Sui Juris – In One's Own Right
April 2006Uniform Commercial Code
The Admiralty Law of the Courts
Contract Law Recognizing Only Two Classes of Entities
Creditors and DebtorsCopyright 1978, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003 by The American Law Institute and the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; reproduced, published and distributed with the permission of the Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code for the limited purposes of study, teaching, and academic research.
[This HTML presentation of the U.C.C. does not include the official comments, being programmed and limited to distribution for local machine use, with no hyperlinks to the web.]
[The U.C.C. is enacted with differences by each particular state.]
I received this email Feb 7, 2008, which further substantiates the claim that the UCC is not Constitutional Public Law, but Private Admiralty Contract law, owned, copyrighted and licensed by the American Law Institute to the states and law schools.I am forced by this email to remove the UCC as posted from the public domain.
Dear Sir:
I have recently been advised that you have posted UCC material on your website (
We cannot allow your unauthorized posting, as the UCC is held in copyright by the American Law Institute. It appears that you have copied our copyrighted material from the website of one of our licensees, and in all fairness to that licensee, which pays for its use of this material, we cannot let you freely post it without obtaining a license to do so. Please remove this material immediately.
We would prefer not to have to bring legal action to obtain your compliance, however, we will prosecute this violation to the full extent of the law if our copyrighted UCC material is not removed from your website by or before the end of this month.
Should you wish to discuss this further, please contact me.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Nina Amster, Esquire
Project Coordinator
Executive Office
The American Law Institute
Phone: 215.243.1687
Fax: 215.243.1636