1938 Original Manuscript for 1939 1st Edition BigBook Searchable 1976 3rd Edition BigBook On-Line


The Hampshire Grenadier


In Memory of
Thomas Thetcher
a Grenadier in the North Regiment
of Hants Militia, who died of a
violent Fever contracted by drinking
Small Beer when hot, the 12th of May
1764, Aged 26 Years.

In grateful remembrance of whose universal
good will towards his Comrades, this Stone
is placed here at their expence, as a finall
testimony of their regard and concern.

Here sleeps in peace a Hampshire Grenadier
Who caught his death by drinking cold small Beer.
Soldiers be wise from his untimely fall,
And when ye're hot drink Strong or none at all.

This memorial being decayed was restored
by the Officers of the Garrison A.D. 1781
An Honest Soldier never is forgot,
Whether he die by Musket or by Pot.

The Stone was replaced by the North Hants
Militia when disembodied at Winchester
on 16th April, 1802 in consequence of
the original Stone being destroyed.

And again replaced by
The Royal Hampshire Regiment 1966

"The Hampshire Grenadier"

This tombstone is referred to on page 1 of the BigBook of AA as Bill W. remembered it from 1917. It is a wonder that Bill remembered the verse as well as he did 21 years later when the BigBook was written in 1938.

At the end of the 1997 Founder's Day Memorial Ceremonies at Dr. Bob and Anne's gravesite in Akron, Ohio, an anonymous piper stood, pumped his pipes and said, "I am going to play Amazing Grace three times, once to listen to, once to sing, and once for Anne." The effect on the gathering was electrifying, a God Thing. The piper then disappeared, still anonymous. Amazing Grace was Anne Smith's favorite, and was sung often in early AA gatherings.

Amazing Grace - Bagpipes

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Created Apr 16, 1999 in the Spirit of Love and Cooperation

Three mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and HIS GRACE