Barefoot's World
How to get from THERE to HERE
(Obviously you can't get from HERE to THERE, because just when you think you
have arrived,
THERE is just another HERE. The ONLY way is to get from THERE to

Welcome to My World!!!

Barefoot Bob in his 1914 Ford Model-T, Summer 2008
Barefoot Bob Hardison
Born: August 8th, 1933
Sobriety Date: February 28th, 1974
Died: January 31st, 2009
Our good friend, you will be missed!
- Please
consider Bob’s e-mail address at
bob_hardison@yahoo.com to be inactive as of January 31st,
2009. Please do not expect any e-email to be read. Please do not
expect any replies.
- In accordance with Bob’s wishes,
this website is being kept online, intact and in trust until his son is able to take over.
If you need further assistance, please email
Please visit
Barefoot Bob Memorial Page
I need your help to keep this
website updated!
Urgently needed: Information on AA campouts and
meeting schedules (local stuff only: north Idaho,
eastern Washington and western Montana)
Also needed: any other updates, errors, missing links,
etc... that you find
Please email:
info@barefootsworld.net |
Listen to Gentleman
Jim Reeves sing
the Creator's Song to each of us.
You are the Umpteenth
Brother or Sister to arrive here since Jan 29, 1996
My World would not be complete without you. Welcome!!
Howdy Pardn'rs, I have put a whole lot
of data on the WEB addressing the problems of SURVIVAL, Physical, Mental,
Spiritual and Political. These pages are presented with Love to all my
Brothers and Sisters that We might Learn to Survive Better at Peace Within
Ourselves and With Each Other.
Barefoot's World is dedicated to
bringing a message of Love and Hope and Peace and Truth into this world for
the UNITY of ALL MANKIND and the Return of Constitutional Government to We The People of the United States.
.... Educate Yo'Self!! ....
"When you are awake the dream is gone...
When you are Enlightened the 'world
of illusion' is
...and the TRUTH will make you FREE."
"There is no religion higher than TRUTH"

Reminders For Reluctant Messiahs
Something To Think About and Enjoy!!! -- It's Awesome!!
"May God keep watch 'tween thee and me
when we are apart."
Fun in Your Journey, May You Walk the Paths of LIFE
Happy, Joyous and FREE!
Love and Peace, Barefoot --
Community Pages
Other Domains By
Barefoot's Rant
Folks, it
is time for me to be blunt and start calling the
of our government exactly what it has demagogically descended to over
the last years since 1913 with the subversion of the Constitution, runaway
inflation due to fiat (counterfeit) unfunded paper currency issued
unconstitutionally by the
Federal Reserve
System, continued undeclared wars, national emergencies and bankruptcy,
and the greed of the people expecting government and the public coffers to
solve all their problems – These are the very things Dr. Ron Paul is
dedicated to correcting.
Few recognize that the rise
of fascism is not a reaction against socialism but the inevitable outcome
of the trend towards socialism that has now become a tyranny of Multinational Bankster
Corporate Fascism,
complete with masked and jackbooted SS-WAT teams, and totally corrupted,
bought and paid for politicians, all of which would be eliminated by
enforcement of the original
Titles of Nobility and Honor Article of Amendment to the Constitution. If you think that the
lobbyist contributions to politician's slush funds and campaign war-chests
are anything but bribes for unconstitutional considerations, you have
another think coming!!!
Prophesy has come to pass. America has descended from
Freedom To Fascism.
Since the advent of the
"Bush Dynasty" the words of
Henry Lee in 1787 are ringing true – "The great object is,
in a republican government, to guard effectually against perpetuating any
portion of power, great or small, in the same man or family. This
perpetuation of power is totally uncongenial to the true spirit of
republican governments."
The anti-terrorist wars we
have since found ourselves engaged in are as wrong and of the same order as
those of Hitler and the invasions of the countries of Europe and Africa.
"Security" charade is a
cover for the illicit manipulation of public opinion, to keep the public
focus off the devious manipulations of the "Inner
Sanctum of Government" in the pre-planning and execution of the
September 11 Apocalypse. The Truth of the WTC
towers and Building Seven demolition has been covered up, and used as
justification for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
It is as impossible for
peace to come by waging war as it is impossible for love to come by hating.
The only fruit of war is war and any seeming peace is but a TRUCE OF FEAR
we are seeing the rise of the
Union of Socialist States of America witih the election
of socialists to the Presidency and Congress.
The question must be asked,
the Republic of the United States of America worth saving??"
I believe it is, but it can
only be saved if We The People educate ourselves to make the difference,
making informed decisions when we go to the polls, and when we demand that
our representatives in government adhere strictly to their
Oath of Office and to the government
limiting mandates of the
Constitution in its
original sense and the ideals given us by the
of Our Republic.
Analysis 2008 –

I must state, once again, There are no political,
economic, 'religious' or military solutions to what is primarily a
spiritual problem in the world today, the
"We-Them" syndrome.
We, all of mankind, must learn and know that "We are all ONE."
The Constitution, Political History and Citizenship
Every Concerned Citizen Should STUDY Each Of The Pages and
Links below.
It is only as you "Educate Yo'Self" that a DIFFERENCE can be made.
I can't do your
learning for you.
I can only present the data I have found in trying to educate myself.
I have sworn
upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over
the mind of man.
-- Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Rush, Sept. 23, 1800
If a Nation expects to
be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and
never will be.... If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it
is the responsibility of every American to be informed. -- Thomas Jefferson to Col. Yancey,
The only
foundation of a free Constitution, is pure virtue, and if this cannot be
inspired into our People, in a greater Measure than they have it now, they
may change their rulers, and the forms of Government, but they will not
obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and tyrannies. -- Pres. John Adams
In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this
Constitution, with all its faults, — if they are such; because I
think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of
government but what may be a blessing to the people, if well administered;
and I believe, farther, that this is likely to be well administered for a
course of years, and [but it] can only end in despotism, as other forms
have done before it, when the people shall
become so corrupted as to need despotic government, [they] being
incapable of any other. – Benjamin Franklin speaking to the
Constitutional Convention (June 28, 1787)
REPUBLIC, If You Can Keep It
-- Benjamin Franklin, at the close of the
Constitutional Convention of 1787 --
A Video explaining the various forms of Government
And The Problems Facing The World Today
Declaration of Independence – 1776 The Text, History, and Images |
The Articles of Confederation – 1777 The Text, History, and Our Presidents Before Washington |
The Constitution For The United States - 1788
Its Sources and Its Application With Explanation of Each Phrase, The History, and Images |
A Constitution Quiz For Loyal Americans |
Common Sense I The Spark For Independence From Great Britain. By Thomas Paine, 1776 |
Common Sense II The Spark To Return To Constitutional Gov't, By American Patriots, 2008 |
Commencement Address, Texas A&M, 2008 Required Reading For Every College Graduate and Citizen |
Undermining The Constitution A History Of Lawless Government By Thomas James Norton |
Our Enemy, The State by Albert J. Nock, 1935 His Classic Critique Distinguishing 'Government' from the 'State' |
Who Is Running America? The Banking Gangsters of the Federal Reserve Bank and the IMF The Creators of The Bankruptcy of America, The Fraud of the Corporate United States, AND the NEW WORLD ORDER |
Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve The Unconstitutional Fraud of the Federal Reserve A Video from
Ludwig Von Mises Institute |
Understanding The Issue of Taxes and Tariffs: How U.S. Revenue Collection Was Turned Inside-Out A Video from
Ludwig Von Mises Institute |
Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins - 1951 His Exposé of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System |
Geo. Washington on the Danger of Unfunded Paper Money |
Quotes on Banking and the Federal Reserve System Fraud |
Opening the Blind ~~ 9-11 Revisited Every Citizen MUST Seek The Truth |
Where Have All the Leaders Gone? By Lee Iacocca
The Road to Serfdom by Freidrich Hayek, 1944
View this Video from Ludwig Von Mises Institute |
Internal Dangers to Individual Liberty An Essay by Samuel Adams - 1771 |
"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Patrick Henry's Timeless Speech, March 23, 1775 |
The Virginia Ratification of the Constitution for the United States – 1787 Understanding the Retained Powers and Rights of the People |
"Liberty or Empire? - 1788" Patrick Henry's Speech of Dissent at the Virginia Constitution Ratification Convention |
The Anti-Federalist Papers -1787-1789 We The People now have ALL the tyrannies of which they warned!! |
The Federalist Papers -1787-1789 |
The Thanksgiving Proclamation, October 3, 1789 |
Conceived in Liberty - 1798-1799 The Kentucky-Virginia Resolutions |
Mr. Madison's Report – 1799 On The Kentucky-Virginia Resolutions |
The Hartford Convention - Dec 1814 - Jan 1815 |
The "Monroe Doctrine" – 1823 |
Thomas Jefferson's Letters A Short Compendium |
Thomas Jefferson's Inaugural Addresses |
Jefferson's Prophesy |
Jefferson's Bible |
The Oath of Office A Historical Guide to Moral Leadership |
The Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton, January 14, 1969 |
What Is An American? |
Citizenship Training Manual TM 2000-25 Republic vs. Democracy defined |
The Constitution Society The Exceptional Resource for U.S. History |
The Inner Sanctum of Government |
The Rape of We The People and The Constitution For The United States |
Treason in Government! Admiralty on Land!! |
The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime The Other United States Flag |
The Flags of the Several united States |
Lincoln said "Study the Constitution"
An 1838 Address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois He addressed the problems then that we face today. |
The Tomb of the Unknowns
For The Millions Of Soldiers In Marked And Unmarked Graves |
Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941
"If any question why we died,
Tell them, Because our fathers lied." |
Remembering The Boys on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day
Something to ponder every day of the year that you know freedom. |
Memorial Day - The Things They Carried
More to Think About |
The Veteran – Lest We Forget |
Our Military Troops – Lest We Forget! |
Our Troops In Iraq – Lest We Forget! |
Thanks To The Veterans of World War II
And The Veterans Of All The Wars Before and Since |
A Mother Asked "Why?" |
Let's Understand The U.N. A Special Bulletin To All Military Men And Women, Veterans, And Parents Who Lost Sons And Daughters In The U.N. Wars |
The Monster Under The Bed |
September Apocalypse: Who, Why And What Next? |
The "Security" Charade |
God Clarifies the 'Don't Kill' Rule And His Other Nine Commandments |
A Well-Ordered Society |
It is Our Choice Who We Will Serve |
Founding Father Quotes on Religion |
The Kansas Senate Prayer A Prayer for Our Nation |
"Whose Bread I Eat - His Song I Must Sing" "The Wild Hogs of Horse-Shoe Bend" |
Amendment Article I of the Bill of Rights |
Amendment Article II of the Bill of Rights |
US Supreme Court Upholds Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
June 26, 2008 -- Court Record Syllabus -- PDF File |
THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" Report of the Senate Subcommittee On The Constitution Senate Document 2807
Gun Control and The First Million Mom March The Brutal Truth!! |
Why An Armed Citizenry? |
The Tripwire What Would Be The Tripwire Resulting In Open Rebellion? |
The Rise of the 4th Reich??? For All Americans to READ And CONSIDER In Light of 9-11 and Subsequent Events |
The Real Thirteenth Amendment |
Original Thirteenth Amendment Ratification Table |
The Latest Findings of the TONA Research Committee Virginia DID RATIFY The Titles Of Honor 13th Amendment!! |
Demon of Discord A Rebuttal to All Attempts to Disavow the Ratification of The Titles of Nobility and Honour Thirteenth Article of Amendment To The Constitution For The United States Of America |
The Great Mr. Lincoln's Fraud |
Additional Links to Data on The Original Thirteenth Amendment
The Unconstitutionality Of The 14th Amendment |
The Anti-Slavery Amendment and
The Flawed Fourteenth Citizenship Amendment |
A Special Report on the National Emergency in the United States of America |
Senate Report 93-549 - War and Emergency Powers Acts, Executive Orders, and the New World Order |
Parens Patriae - Government As Parent |
The "Bar" Treaty of 1947 Subverting our Constitution to United Nations International Law |
Tavistock - The Best Kept Secret In America |
Treason By Public Officials? |
FEDERAL REGIONALISM The Abolishment of Local Government |
Are We The Enemy Of The United States Government? |
BEWARE!! -- These Terrorists Are Known!! -- DAMN THEM!! |
14 Signposts to Slavery |
President Ronald W. Reagan's Legacy A Tribute To Our 40th President |
Perspectives on Regulatory Federalism President Reagan's Executive Order 12612 To Return Government to Constitutional Limitations |
The History of Law Enforcement |
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1841 |
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau, 1849 |
The Law by Frédéric Bastiat, 1850 |
Trial by Jury - Lysander Spooner -1852 |
Restoration of Constitutional Common Law Trial by Jury |
No Treason - The Constitution of No Authority
by Lysander Spooner – 1869
On The Reasons for Corruption In Government, Then and Today |
Out of Order Arrogance, Corruption and Incompetence on the Bench |
If I Had A Hammer A Short Essay For You As A Summoned Jury Member |
Sui Juris – In Ones' Own Right Defending Yourself In Court Protect Your Sovereignty By Understanding the "System" |
Excellence of the COMMON LAW New Book by Brent Winters |
Idaho Constitution |
Idaho Statutes |
A Patriot's Reminder The U.S. One Dollar Bill |
Political Wisdom |
The Rise of the Militia Movements Worldwide |
Militia of Montana |
Education and The Dumbing Of America Could You Have Passed The 8th Grade in 1895? - Probably Not!!
Here is a completed exam in case you need help |
Survival!! |
Recovery Pages
Native American Pages
Pages of Interest

Padraig's Day for the Fun of It

Barefoot Bob's
Survival & Freedom Page
My Original Homepage

Natrona County High School, Casper,
Class of '51 Roundups

A Cowboy's Guide To Life

A Cowboy's Advice

A Cowboy's Learnings Along The Dusty Trail

A Cowboy's Prayer

A Wyoming Cowboy’s Figgers of Speech

The Wyoming Rancher

When ...???
For Senior Citizens Only!!!

Remember The
Burma-Shave Signs ...???

Older Than

Snoopy and
Charles Schulz
For The Kid In All Of Us !!!

The "Barefoot" Expedition
The Last 'Furbearing' Expedition from Idaho to New Orleans
by Canoe and 'Shanks' Mare - June 1 to Dec 5, 1984

GoldWinging - 200,000 Miles - 1997-2002
Motorcycling in North America and Mexico from Fairbanks
to Key West, from Ft. Kent, Me. to Ciudad Hidalgo, Mexico
and a whole lot of the inbetween
(Four long pages with links and photos of sights to be seen)

Spirit of Freedom Voyages of the Barefoot Windwalker
Sailing the East Coast and across the North Atlantic Single-Handed
(Until the boat was sunk in the Mediterranean Nov 2005)

Out and Getting Under in the Good Ol' US of A
Barefoot's 1914 Ford "Tin Lizzie" Saga -- 2007

History Lesson 1908
The Year That Ford Changed The World

Classic Wing Club

Hardison's Paintings

Hardison Place Pictures
- Cable Creek, Idaho

Hardison Ranch,
Flume Gulch, Montana - 1940-1949
Idaho State Record 46" 34.5# Tiger Muskie
Cake &
Apricot-Almond Butter Cake with "Gravy Frosting"

Handy-Dandy Color Chart
The Hexidecimal RGB Color Spectrum
Handy-Dandy ASCII & HTML Chart
Handy-Dandy US to Metric Converter


Barefoot's World is HERE in North Idaho

Barefoot's World

On the Web Jan 29, 1996 -- Page Links Added Frequently
mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and FREEDOM
