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Gabriel Heatter, the nationally recognized radio broadcaster, provided the forum for the the first national exposure received by Alcoholics Anonymous, April 25, 1939. Heatter's nightly "We The People" radio broadcast was a tremendously popular program listened to by millions of people nationwide. Heatter was known for his trademark line, "Ah, there's good news tonight!" Little did he know how good that news was to become to suffering alcoholics worldwide. Morgan R., the AA member who spoke on the program, was a former ad man. The broadcast was expected to launch sales of the newly published book, Alcoholics Anonymous. The story of Morgan's three day "captivity" to prevent him from drinking before the broadcast, and the resulting two Big Book sales are described in Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age on pages 174-175. "WE THE PEOPLE"
ANONYMOUS GUEST: The next year was like a nightmare. I was penniless. I went out on the streets - panhandled money for liquor. Every time I sobered up - I swore not to touch another drop. But if I went a few hours without a drink - I'd begin to cry like a baby, and tremble all over. One day after I left the asylum I met a friend of mine. He took me to the home of one of his friends. A bunch of men were sitting around, smoking cigars, telling jokes - having a great time. But I noticed they weren't drinking. When Tom told me they'd all been in the same boat as I was - I couldn't believe him. But he said, "See that fellow? He's a doctor. Drank himself out of his practice. Then he straightened out. Now he's head of a big hospital." Another big strapping fellow was a grocery clerk. Another the vice president of a big corporation. They got together five years ago. Called themselves Alcoholics Anonymous. And they'd worked out a method of recovery. One of their most important secrets was - helping the other fellow. Once they began to follow it the method proved successful and helped others get on their feet - they found they could stay away from liquor. Gradually - those men helped me back to life. I stopped drinking. Found courage to face life once again. Today I've got a job - and I'm going to climb back to success. Recently we wrote a book called "Alcoholics Anonymous". It tells precisely how we all came back from a living death. Working on that book made me realize how much other people had suffered - how they'd gone through the same thing I did. That's why I wanted to come on this program. I wanted to tell people who are going through that torment - if they sincerely want to, they can come back. Take their place in society once again!
(APPLAUSE) This broadcast was made at a time when A.A. and the BigBook effort was $10000 in debt, with only $500 left in the bank... Morgan Ryan, the good-looking Irishman who had taken the book to the Catholic Committee on Publication, had been a good ad man. He said that he knew Gabriel Heatter. "Gabriel is putting on these 3 minute heart to heart programs on the radio. I'll get an interview with him and maybe he'll interview me on the radio about all this." And the REST OF THE STORY is history in "AA History And How The Big Book Was Put Together" - A Talk By Bill Wilson - Fort Worth, Texas - 1954 Index of AA History Pages on Barefoot's Domain As in so many things, especially with we alcoholics, our History is our Greatest Asset!.. We each arrived at the doors of AA with an intensive and lengthy "History of Things That Do Not Work" .. Today, In AA and In Recovery, Our History has added an intensive and lengthy "History of Things That DO Work!!" and We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it!!
On the Web August 30, 2001 in the Spirit of Cooperation Three mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and SOBRIETY |