Presented at The New York Intergroup Association annual dinner, Oct 10, 1970 in honor of Bill's upcoming 36th anniversary, Dec. 11, 1970 Bill was under hospital care for acute emphysema and was unable for the first time to attend the A.A. banquet at which his "last drink anniversary" had been celebrated annually. His greetings were delivered by his wife Lois to the 2,200 A.A. members and guests at the New York Hilton.
William G. 'Bill' Wilson
My dear friends,
My thoughts are much occupied these days with gratitude to our Fellowship and for the myriad blessings bestowed upon us by God's Grace.
If I were asked which of these blessings I felt was most responsible for our growth as a fellowship and most vital to our continuity, I would say, the "Concept of Anonymity."
Anonymity has two attributes essential to our individual and collective survival; the spiritual and the practical.
On the spiritual level, anonymity demands the greatest discipline of which we are capable; on the practical level, anonymity has brought protection for the newcomer, respect and support of the world outside, and security from those of us who would use A.A. for sick and selfish purposes.
A.A. must and will continue to change with the passing years.
We cannot, nor should we turn back the clock. However, I deeply believe that the principle of anonymity must remain our primary and enduring safeguard. As long as we accept our sobriety in our traditional spirit of anonymity we will continue to receive God's Grace.
And so -- once more, I salute you in that spirit and again I thank you for your lives.
May God bless us all now, and forever.
The ABCs of Alcoholics Anonymous KEEP COMING BACK! ONE DAY AT A TIME!
Disclaimer: This Alcoholism Recovery Page is provided in the Spirit of Cooperation but not Affiliation, as a service to the members in North Idaho, for information to the Public at large, and most particularly for the person who wants help, the alcoholic who is still suffering from the disease of alcoholism. It is an Information Service Only............
On the Web Jan. 17, 1996 in the Spirit of Cooperation Three mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and SOBRIETY |