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People In A.A. History Mentioned In The Literature
Who Were They?
What Did They Do?
We Know A Little About These Listed Below |
History is never an accurate portrayal of what has gone before. Based as it is on the interpretation of whatever data might be available, even the best historical record fails at its task of reconstructing the past. Even events that happened only yesterday cannot be reconstructed perfectly in the present. The event is forever gone. Our knowledge of A.A. history is therefore sometimes little more than a patchwork of facts and assumptions made by consenting individuals. The data presented below are the research and recollections by individuals involved in that history as preserved in the written word over the passing years since the beginnings of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Archie M. originally compiled much of this data, Nancy O. and Bill L. added some, as have I, in the process of programming and linking.
(A) Alcoholics Anonymous Comes Of Age (AA)
(B) Bill W by Robert Thomsen
(C) Children Of The Healer by Bob Smith and Sue Smith Windows as told to C. Brewer
(D) Dr. Bob And The Good Old Timers (AA)
(E) A.A. Everywhere Anywhere (AA)
(G) Grateful To Have Been There by Nell Wing
(H) The Language Of The Heart (AA)
(L) Lois Remembers by Lois Wilson
(N) Not-God by Ernest Kurtz
(P) Pass It On (AA)
(S) Sister Ignatia by Mary C. Darrah
(MS) Service Manual (AA)
(W) A.A., The Way It Began by Bill Pittman
(BB) Big Book Of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
1. Reference examples (B 147) = Bill W, page 147, (N 283) = Not-God, page 283
2. "Named" and "Unnamed" references from the Big Book are taken from the Preface, the Forwards, The Doctor's Opinion, Chapters 1 through 11, and Dr. Bob's story.
For AA or Al-Anon Members click the letter of their First Name
For Non-Members click the letter of their Last Name.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - XYZ
Highlighted items can be clicked to take you to further information .
A.A.'s and friends at Rockefeller's dinner, February 8, 1940 - Bill W., Dr. Bob S., Clarence S., Morgan R., Paul S., Dr. Russell Blaisdell [Rockland State Hospital], Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick [religion], Dr. Foster Kennedy [medical profession], Dr. Silkworth. Nelson Rockefeller chaired the meeting as his father, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., was sick. (A 14, 182-183) (H 62, 63, 66, 146) (MS 11) (P 233)
Ab A. - A wealthy Oklahoman who offered Bill $60,000 to pay debts (P 351)
Abbot - One of original group publishing the A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
Abby G. - wife Grace; early Cleveland A.A., lawyer, sometimes known as Al G., entered hospital April 17, 1939; First A.A. mtg in Cleveland met in his home May 18, 1939, 16 members; 1st chairman central committee Cleveland October, 1939; set A.A. principle of rotation; his story "He Thought He Could Drink Like a Gentleman" in 2nd and 3rd edition. (A 21) (D 164-6, 169, 201-3) (G 24) (N 78, 88) (S 32) (BB 2/3 210-21)
'Abercrombie' - nickname given to J.D.H. by Dr. Bob
Adler, Alfred - Freud's colleague; Bill's mother Emily studied under Adler (P 290)
Agnes M. - Fitz M.'s sister; administrator Corcoran Art School Washington D.C.; lent Works Publishing Company $1,000 to help pay printer to publish Big Book (A 18) (L 101-102)
Agnes S. - Los Angeles A.A.; husband Bill S. (P 288)
Al G. - see "Abby G."
Al M. - joined A.A. in Los Angeles around 1941, went on 12 Step call when 2 weeks sober (P 250, 292, 398)
Al S. - Advertising and film person; New York A.A., joined March 1944; help structure New York Intergroup, served as secretary and director; George B. and he were instrumental in persuading Knickerbocker Hospital to set aside a ward for alcoholics under A.A. sponsorship - first New York hospital to do so; editor Grapevine late 1948, shifted editorial emphasis away from drunk stories to You're Not Drinking - Now What; served as director of A.A. Publishing Inc; trustee General Service Board; composed I Am Responsible pledge for 30th Anniversary Convention in 1965 at Toronto Canada; chaired dinner 1948 with Dr. Bob and Anne, Bill and Lois were there. He was so excited he couldn't remember Dr. Bob's name. Led spiritual meeting 1975 International Convention Denver. (D 322, 323, 337, 339) (G 87-89, 104, 107, 137) (H 391, 394) (P 339, 342)
Alec J. / Alex - nicknamed 'Buckets', the young Finnish man Bill met Dec. 1934 on way to investigate Calvary Episcopal Mission operated by Dr. Sam Shoemaker's Calvary Church, went with Bill to mission, took up residence there; (A 59) (B 214) (L 88, 91) (N 18) (P 116, 117, 162)
Alex M. - joined A.A. in 1939 (D 146, 220-1, 231-3, 236, 275, 281)
Alexander, Jack - cynical hard nose reporter; Judge Curtis Bok, owner of Curtis Publishing, asked Alexander to do a story on Alcoholic Anonymous for the Saturday Evening Post for publication the winter 1940-1941; First article was published March 1941; wrote 2nd A.A. article for Saturday Evening Post April 1950; member AA Board of Trustees 1951-1956 (A 6, 16, 18, 35, 87, 89, 134, 190-191, 208, 219) (B 310-311) (D 171-3, 198, 225) (E 16-17) (G 73) (H 1, 63, 148-9, 181-182, 194, 248, 363) (L 131) (MS 13, 17) (N 100-101) (P 245-248, 309, 354-5, 364) (S 18, 114) (BB#3 named xxviii)
Alexander, Michael- junior member Bernard Smith's law firm during the formulation of the function of A.A.'s General Service Conference; upon Smith's death became general counsel to A.A.; 1976-1985 A.A. Trustee; 1988 Chairman Board (G 140)
Alice T. - wife of Warren T., early San Francisco A.A., worked with husband to persuade top management of one of America's leading railroads to help alcoholic employees (A 90)
Allen B. - General Service Board trustee; chaired 1960 International Convention Long Beach California (G 101)
Allen, Frederick Lewis - wrote Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s in America, about the stock market crash in 1929, published in 1931. Lewis died in 1954. (P 99)
Alpert, Richard (Ram Dass) - along with Dr. Timothy Leary, brought LSD to national awareness in 1961; has since become a "spiritual guru". (P 376n)
Amos, Frank - advertising man; a longtime friend of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., present at December 1937 Rockefeller meeting to raise money, went to Akron to investigate A.A., made a good report to John D. Rockefeller Jr., recommended a $50,000 contribution February 1938; became sold on A.A. and offered services; One of first nonalcoholic trustees, April 1938; died July, 1965 (A 6, 15, 148-153, 168, 208) (B 274-275, 277) (D 128-32, 134-6, 172) (E 18) (G 92) (H 59, 60-1, 106, 143, 192, 194) (L 111, 197) (MS 9-10) (N 65-66, 68) (P 184-185, 186-7, 188, 189n, 193, 203) (S 124)
Amy C. - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Anderson, Dwight - with Dr. Kirby Collier persuaded Medical Society of New York State, 1944, and Psychiatric Association, 1949, to let Bill W. read papers about A.A. at annual gatherings (A 2, 204-205) (H 370)
"Angel Alcoholics Anonymous" - Sister Ignatia's nickname
Annabelle G. - wife of Wally G. an early Akron A.A. (D 119-21, 140, 147, 177-8, 244, 278, 290)
Anne B. - wife of Devoe B.; friend of Lois W.; meditation group met at her house in Chappaqua; (G 13, 75-76) (P 278-9)
Anne C. - A.A., knew Dr. Bob before she took first drink (D 34, 245, 333, 342)
Anne K. - early Detroit A.A., with Archie T. helped and assisted A.A. growth in Detroit (A 24)
Annie B. - wife of early Akron A.A. member Ed B. (D 274)
Annie C. - her story, "Annie the Cop Fighter", is in 2nd edition (BB#2 514-22)
Arba J. Irvin - Dr. Bob's Dartmouth classmate (D 24)
Archie T. - early Akron A.A., stayed with Smiths for 10 months, started Detroit A.A., his story "The Fearful One" in 1st edition Big Book - re-written and re-named "Man Who Mastered Fear" in 2nd and 3rd editions (A 24) (D 115-6, 182) (BB1 332-5 \ BB2 and BB3 275-86)
Armstrong, Dr. - name used to preserve Dr. Bob's anonymity in March 1, 1941 Jack Alexander Saturday Evening Post article.
Army Sergeant Roy - see "Roy Y."
Arnold, Matthew - quoted on meaning of religious faith "A convinced belief in a power greater than ourselves that makes for righteousness, and a sense of helpfulness..." (A 320)
Arthur S. - started A.A. in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1946. (E 46)
'Artie' - nickname of "Arthur Wheeler"
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B., Mr. - Toledo's first A.A. hospitalization, in obstetric ward of Women's and Children's Hospital, only place that would take him. (D 257)
Bacon, Dr. Seldon - sociologist, appointed chairman of Connecticut Commission on Alcoholism, 1945 - First program supported by state funds. (H 189)
Bamford, Bertha - Bill W's childhood sweetheart, daughter of Reverend and Mrs. W.H.Bamford, died of internal hemorrhage November 18, 1912, age 18, at 5th Avenue Hospital following surgery to remove a tumor, started Bill on 3 year depression. (B 56, 61) (C 4) (N 12) (P 35-36, 38, 270) (W 144)
Bamford, Reverend and Mrs. W.H. - Bertha Bamford's parents, Episcopal minister Manchester Vermont. (P 35-36)
Barb - Wilson's spent night with her and Cy (P 214)
Barney B. - early Los Angeles A.A. helped by Johnny Howe and Kaye M. (A 92)
Barrow, Waldo - Bill's great uncle, killed in May 1864 Civil War Battle of the Wilderness (P 54)
Barry L. - joined Manhattan Group in 1945; story of doing desk duty at clubhouse on 41st Street when a black man, ex-convict, all belongings on back, hair bleached blond, wearing makeup, and a dope fiend, came for help; group asked Bill what do, Bill said if he was a drunk that was all that mattered; anonymous author of Living Sober (N 352) (P 317-318)
Bauer, Dr. W.W. - psychiatrist, American Medical Association, nonalcoholic, spoke at 2nd International Convention in St. Louis, 1955 (A x ii, 4, 235, 237-44) (G 97) (P 358)
Beckwith, Peggy - President Lincoln's great granddaughter; Lois lunched with her during motorcycle trip in 1925. (L 45) (P 74)
Beebe, Jamie - boyhood acquaintance of Bill W. (P 47)
Beebe, Jim - acquaintance of Bill's grandparents, couldn't learn to drive car (P 46)
Beery, Wallace - film character in "Tugboat Annie", hid bottles in stocking tops (D 42) (BB#3 named 177)
Belford, Reverend Lee - General Service Committee Trustee, member of first Archives Committee 1973 (G 127)
Ben - early Sydney, Australia A.A. in late 1944 (A 86)
Benner, Judge - former probate judge, 40 years chairman of board at New York City Hospital (D 130)
'Bern' - husband of Evelyn H., Bill wrote to her about slips (P 252-4)
'Bern' - nickname of Smith, Bernard B
Bert C. - 1 of 2 successes of Paddy K. in Boston (A 96)
Bert T. - early New York A.A.; held meetings in his elegant 5th Avenue tailor shop and loft 1939; put business up as collateral to borrow $1000 keeping A.A. afloat; with Horace C discovered and guaranteed rent for first A.A. clubhouse, the 24th Street Clubhouse, in February 1940; after Saturday Evening Post article in early 1940's the trustees sent him to Chicago and Cleveland to sound out groups and to get groups to support A.A. headquarters; early General Service Board member (A 11-12, 177, 180-1, 186, 192) (B 290, 319) (H 62, 64-65, 339) (L 116, 127, 172, 198) (P 216-7, 221, 224, 238)
Bertha V. - her story, "Another Chance", is in 3rd edition (BB#3 526-30)
Beth B. - wife of Silas B. (L 102)
Betty B. - young student nurse at City Hospital, joined A.A. around 1970 (D 46, 48-50, 70, 103-4)
Betty L. - worked on 12 and 12 with Bill (A 219) (P 354)
Bill A. - well-to-do early A.A., Washington, D.C., bought Preferred Stock in Works Publishing Inc; joined Fitz M. in Washington, D.C. area in 1940 (A 188) (P 257, 258n)
Bill B. - Master of Ceremonies for Sunday activities at 1960 International Convention, Long Beach, California (G 103)
Bill C. - young Canadian alkie, former attorney, compulsive gambler, stayed at Bill's house for nearly a year, committed suicide Oct, 1936 using gas stove; before he died had sold Wilson's clothes (B 263, 265) (L 105) (P 165-166) (BB#3 unnamed 16)
Bill D. - A.A. #3; The Man On The Bed; lawyer, well adjusted family man, his wife was Henrietta D.; Sister Ignatia and Dr. Scuderi secretly treated him in 1935, Dr. Bob and Bill went to see June 28, 1935; story 2nd edition Big Book; didn't support General Service Conference idea; First Ohio delegate A.A. to General Service Conference in 1951; died September 17, 1954 (A 6, 7, 19, 71, 72) (B 243-244, 248) (D 82-3, 85, 88, 90-2, 96, 100, 106, 146, 169, 235, 246, 267, 276-7, 325-6) (E 14, 64) (H xiii, 358, 360-362) (L 97) (N 37-39, 74, 151) (P 153-154, 226, 356) (S 11, 21) (BB2 182-192 /BB3 182-192) (BB#3 unnamed xvii, 156-8)
Bill E. - well-to-do early A.A. Washington, D.C., bought Preferred Stock in Works Publishing Inc (A 188)
Bill G. - his story, "There's Nothing the Matter With Me!", is in 2nd edition (BB2 499-508)
Bill H. - alcoholic green grocer met Canadian mining engineer Bob B. in early 1947, these 2 started A.A. group in London, U.K. (A 83)
Bill J. - early Akron A.A., salesman, slipped in Cincinnati, (D 119)
Bill J. - Cleveland banker (probably a bank teller), received requests for help from AA in Cleveland, stayed with Oxford Group when Cleveland group split off (D 167, 204, 218)
Bill R. - early NY/NJ A.A.; attended Tuesday night meetings at Bill's with nonalcoholic wife, Kathleen, 1939 AA Foundation Trustee - the 'NY member' of the Board of Alcoholic Foundation that got drunk; "A Business Man's Recovery" 1st ed Big Book (A 180) (BB1 242-251) (L 102) (P 162, 188)
Bill S. - Los Angeles A.A., wife Agnes S. (P 287-288)
Bill S. - early Cleveland Catholic A.A. (N 84)
Bill V. - an original Akron A.A., met and treated by Sister Ignatia 1936 (S 11)
Bill V.H. - joined A.A. September 1937, his story "A Ward of the Probate Court" in 1st edition (D 119, 141, 145, 185, 223, 317, 336) (BB1 296-302)
Bill W. - William Griffin Wilson, co-founder of A.A.; Born November 26, 1895, East Dorset, Vermont, Sober December 11, 1934, See "A Most Important Piece of Paper"; died January 24, 1971, 11:30pm at Miami Heart Clinic on 53rd wedding anniversary, emphysema complicated by pneumonia; burial and memorial service May 8, 1971; See The Wilsons (A vii, ix, xi, 1, 12, 38, 52-54, 56, 58-59, 62, 64-66, 87-88, 100-101, 115, 140, 157, 164, 183-184, 191, 195, 204-205) (B 15, 31, 72, 111, 135-137, 148-149, 180-181, 144, 233-234, 236-239, 250, 263, 274, 277, 285, 295, 304, 325, 334, 345, 364, 368, 369) (C 4-5, 8, 29, 35) (D 12, 14, 37, 39, 43, 46, 57, 59-60, 63-4, 66-83, 85-88, 90-3, 95, 97-100, 104-5, 107-8, 111-2, 121, 123-8, 135, 140, 142, 148, 151-4, 157-9, 161, 164, 166-9, 172, 174-5, 177-8, 181-4, 187, 198, 202-4, 207-13, 215-9, 223, 226, 233-5, 241, 249, 255, 259, 262, 267-71, 277, 279, 281, 283-4, 302, 306-7, 309-311, 315, 319-26, 330, 337, 339, 342-3, 345) (E 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21-23, 62) (G ix, 2, 23, 54-55, 60, 62, 75-76, 79, 80, 83, 105, 121) (H xiii, 35-6, 59, 62, 66, 94, 103, 106, 142, 144, 147-148, 156, 165, 173, 196-199, 205-9, 212, 216, 239-40, 244, 245, 246, 247, 267, 278, 279, 283-284, 298, 313, 325-7, 355-7, 367) (L 1, 13-14, 16, 18, 20-21, 25-26, 33-34, 37, 73, 75, 80, 83, 88, 95-96, 98, 103, 107, 111, 127-128, 131, 135, 138, 157, 162, 166, 171-172, 197-198) (MS 9, 11, 13, 35) (N 7-14-21, 26-28, 32-33, 35, 38-41, 63-64, 93, 98, 119, 126, 135, 251, 135, 251, 253) (P 13, 29, 36, 54, 59, 68, 77, 126, 139, 142-143, 162, 169, 200, 232-233, 247, 248, 272, 275, 311, 350, 370, 371, 373, 376, 379, 385, 389, 391, 396, 398, 403, 407) (S ix, 5, 17, 18-19, 119) (W 144, 146-148, 155, 158, 160, 162, 170, 173-174, 179-180, 186) (BB#3 unnamed xv, xxiii, xxv, 56, 96, ?139, 149-50, 153, 159, 162, 179)
Bill Y. - Chicago A.A. carried message with Chan F. to Pat C. in Minneapolis, 1940 (A 95)
Billy D. - Oxford Group member, assistant superintendent of Calvary Episcopal Mission, Dr. Sam Shoemaker's Calvary Church operated (P 117, 120)
Blackwell, Edward - president of Cornwall Press, Cornwall, New York, printers of the First Edition Big Book "Alcoholics Anonymous" (A 156, 169-170, 172, 176) (B 287) (H 145) (P 194, 204, 205, 207)
Blaisdell, Dr. Russell E. - head of Rockland State Hospital in Monsey, New York, Bob V. started meetings there December, 1939; let bus loads of committed alcoholics go to A.A. meetings in South Orange, NJ and in New York Citty; asked Bill to speak there December, 1939; attended John D. Rockefeller, Jr's A.A. dinner February 8, 1940 (A viii, 12, 183) (B 291) (G 73) (H 62) (P 218, 232-233) (BB#3 unnamed 163)
Dr. Bob's maternal grandfather - a medical doctor, Dr. Bob wanted be a doctor like him. (D 24)
Bob B. - Canadian mining engineer went to London in early 1947, met Bill H., alcoholic green grocer, and together they started A.A. in London (A 83)
Bob E. - wealthy banker, member of Akron's wealthiest families, joined A.A. in February 1937, made "AA address books" (C 132) (D 101, 116-9, 122-3, 142, 146, 152, 156-7, 176, 217, 221-3) (N 53)
Bob F. - his picture appeared in the Jack Alexander article in the March 1, 1941 Saturday Evening Post, "Alcoholics Anonymous" (P 247)
Bob H. - early A.A.; general manager General Service Office 1968-1974; close to Bill when Bill received Catholicism training; (D 149-50) (G 2, 125) (P 255, 281, 321, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402)
Bob G. - his story is "The Salesman" in the first edition (BB1
Bob M. - from Toledo, brother of Edith M., on 12 Step call with Walter C., was advised to 12 Step himself. (D 257)
Bob P. - His story, "AA Taught Him to Handle Sobriety", is in the 3rd edition of the Big Book (BB3 554-561)
Bob P. - General Service Office senior advisor and trustee; helped write Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age (N 266) (P 189n)
Bob R. - see E.B. 'Bob' R.
Bob S., Dr. - Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith; co-founder A.A.; born August 8, 1879, St. Johnsbury, Vermont; diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1948; last major A.A. appearance, his talk at First International A.A. Convention, July 28-30, 1950 at Cleveland, OH. ; died November 16, 1950; See The Smiths (A vii, ix, 1, 2, 6, 7, 9-10, 11, 14, 19, 22f, 43, 66, 67-71, 76, 87, 136, 141, 144, 145, 148, 149, 151, 152, 155, 164, 183-184, 193, 206, 209, 211, 212, 214) (B 237-239, 242-243, 274, 295, 345-346) (C 2-3, 7, 12, 29, 40, 61, 105, 118, 124, 157) (D 9, 46, 171, 255, 344) (E 12-14, 20, 64, 71) (G 3, 13, 55, 77-78, 80, 83, 88) (H 58, 59, 60-1, 62, 63-4, 66, 67-8, 107-110, 113, 120, 122, 125-6, 128, 137, 140, 142-143, 160, 168, 193, 199-200, 202-3, 217, 227, 247, 262, 286, 345-6, 353-4, 354-60, 359, 360, 373-6) (L 95-96, 145-155) (MS 9, 11, 16, 109) (N 28-33, 38-41, 65, 79, 119, 316, 346) (P 76n, 100, 130, 137-49, 151-8, 162, 166, 171, 177-81, 184-5, 187-9, 190, 194, 196, 197, 200, 221, 225, 232-233, 234, 236, 248, 256, 266, 268, 275, 280, 301, 316, 320-3, 326, 328, 330-4, 336-42, 357, 358, 407) (S ix, 8-9, 1718, 32, 114, 123, 140, 144, 186) (W 156) (BB1 183-93) (BB2/3 171-81) (BB#3 unnamed xv, 102, 155, 159)
Bob T. - early delegate to General Service Conference, Mississippi lawyer, drew up Conference resolution not to ask for Congressional Charter (A 126-127)
Bob V. - wife Mag; owned the farm house where the Wilson's stayed in the fall of 1939; rooms were called Upper and Lower Siberia; located in Bog Hollow, Monsey, New York; started meetings at Rockland State Hospital, December 1939, executive of pharmaceutical company, started several groups in South American countries, later slipped. (A viii, 11, 179) (B 291) (L 122, 127) (P 218)
Bobbie B. - replaced Ruth Hock as AA secretary in 1942; former dancer, member A.A.; present when some black men came to a meeting with Southerners there, black men were invited back as visitors. (A 16, 195, 196) (B 334) (D 149) (H 66, 152, 169) (L 141) (P 304, 317)
Bock, Christine - Bill's father's 2nd wife, had daughter Helen, died January 6, 1955. (B 73) (L 70) (P 80, 362)
Boethius - one of possible authors of the Serenity Prayer (P 258n) generally attributed to Reinhold Neibuhr.
Bok, Judge Curtis - owner and publisher Saturday Evening Post magazine; heard about A.A. from 2 Philadelphia friends Drs. A. Wiese Hammer and C. Dudley Saul; asked reporter Jack Alexander do a story on Alcoholics Anonymous. (A 18, 190) (H 63, 181, 363) (L 131) (N 100) (P 244-245)
Borton, T. E. - non-alcoholic, meetings held in his home in Cleveland. (A 21, 209)
'Boss' - Bill's nickname for Dr. Clark Burnham.
Bove, Jessica - non-alcoholic secretary of New York A.A.; wrote the Grapevine
article "From Outside Looking In". (G 41)
Boyle, Dr. Ed - see "Ed B, Dr".
Boys at Central Garage - drove Dr. Bob home when drunk. (C 117) (D 40)
Brock, Ella - Bill's grandmother, see "Griffith, Ella Brock".
Brooke B. - from Calvary Mission, attended Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house. (L 102) (P 162)
Brooks, Mrs. - Burr and Burton's headmaster's wife, gave Bill singing lessons. (B 54)
Brooks, James - Principal Burr and Burton, announced Bertha Banford's death, also pall bearer. (B 60-61) (N 12) (P 36)
'Brotherhood' - those worked at Calvary Episcopal Mission, 23rd Street, New York, operated by Dr. Sam Shoemaker's Calvary Church. (P 115-116)
Brown, Dr. - Evanston, Indiana, introduced several patients to Earl T. (A 22)
Brown Family - a poor family that shared their Christmas dinner in 1925 with Bill and Lois during the Wilson's motorcycle trip (L 46)
Brown, Robert Lee - sharecropper trying to raise tobacco, very poor, invited Bill and Lois, who were on the road, to share Christmas dinner, turnip greens, and sweet potato custard. (B 158)
Browne, Lewis - wrote This Believing World, a book that Bill valued (G 22)
Bruce H. - First to use radio to carry A.A. message in Jacksonville (A 25)
Bruce M. - met Dr. Bob in 1942 and 1943, sober in 1945, Canton, Ohio (D 276-7)
'Buckets' - see "Alec"
Buchman, Dr. Frank N. D. - born June 4 1878; reared in deeply religious Lutheran home, student at Muhlenberg College, Mount Airy Seminary; visited England in 1908, at Keswick Convention heard speaker, changed his life; founder/leader of Oxford Group 1921 after spiritual experience traveling in Scotland; strongly advocated 1 on 1 relationship helping others; principle sharing after conversion; 1st 'house party' Calling China, became Oxford Group technique, guided make restitution and confession; met Samuel M. Shoemaker in Peking, January 1918; died 1961 (C 3) (D 53, 55, 69, 155, 158-9) (G 68) (H 196) (L 92) (N 48-49) (P 127, 128, 130, 131, 169-71, 174, 219, 246, 386-7) (W 113-118)
Bud G. - Little Rock Arkansas, so anonymous leader that he spoke behind curtain to 100 to 200 people (L 143)
Bud F. - Los Angeles A.A. (P 288)
"Buffalo" Bill Cody - Wild West Show Promoter and circus performer (P 30)
"Bum from St. Louis" - what Tom M. the caretaker of the 24th Street Clubhouse called Father Dowling when he came to visit Bill in 1940.
"Bunky" - nickname for Jellinek, Dr. E. M.-Ph.D.
Burke, Ted - flew Bill and Ebby to Manchester, Vermont Airport in 1929, the first plane to land there, all were drunk. (G 58) (P 83) (BB#3 9)
Burneson, Virginia - managing editor of the Grapevine March, 1952, wrote to Sister Ignatia for Bill in reference to errors in Grapevine articles about a hospitalization plan called the Knickerbocker Plan. (S 148)
Burnham, Dr. Clark - Lois's father, gynecologist and surgeon, Brooklyn, married Matilda Spelman who died Christmas 1932; remarried Joan Jones in May 1933, moved out of 132 Clinton Street early 1933; died September 1936 (B 47, 79-80, 127, 177) (L 1-2, 84, 106) (N 14, 25) (P 33, 63, 87, 98, 99, 164, 175, 213) (BB#3 unnamed 4, 5)
Burnham, Kitty - Lois Burnham's sister, married Gardner Swentzel, 17 June, 1925. Lois was matron honor (B 111, 156, 180) (L 60) (P 75, 90)
Burnham, Lois - Bill W's wife, see "Wilson, Lois Burnham"
Burnham, Lyman - boyhood acquaintance of Bill W's (P 47)
Burnham, Mrs. - Lois's mother, see "Spelman, Matilda"
Burnham, Nathan Clark - Lois's grandfather, practiced law, medicine, minister of Swedenborg Church, Lancaster, VT. He wrote book Discrete Degrees about relation between spiritual and natural life. (L 2)
Burnham, Roger - Lois Burnham's brother and Bill's friend, told Lois of Bill, best man at their wedding; died December 1970. (B 111) (G 57) (L 74) (P 39, 47, 58, 83)
Burwell, Jim - see "Jimmy B."
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'Captain Jack' S. - from Maine, captain of an oil tanker; discovered A.A. in 1947; organized Internationalist's Seamen's Group, 1949 (A 82) (E 32) (G 10) (L 141)
Carlin sisters - rented top floor of Wilson's house at 182 Clinton Street 1933-1935 (L 105)
Carlo I. - member of Italian parliament, 12 stepped Roberto C., both spearheaded effort for Italian Big Book. (E 51-52)
Carlson, Dr. Anton - in 1937 with a group scientists formed the Research Council on Problems of Alcohol. (H 187)
Caroline P. - nurse, sister of Dorothy S.M., married to Hank P.; took multilith manuscript copy of Big Book to Chicago doctor. (D 180)
Carrell, Dr. Alexis - wrote book on prayer called Man, The Unknown. (H 105)
Carry - housekeeper at Stepping Stones, her niece Harriet often helped. (L 157)
Cayce, Edgar - famous psychic. (G 75)
Cebra G. - Manchester, VT judge's son who did considerable drinking with Ebby, joined Oxford group, he and Rowland tried to help Ebby, kept Ebby out of jail, August, 1934. (L 93) (N 9) (P 113) (BB#3 9)
Cecil C. - his story "Those Golden Years" is in 3rd edition (BB3 327-34)
Cecil M - her story "Fear of Fear" appears in 2nd and 3rd editions of Big Book (called Jane in the story) (BB2 330-5 / BB3 321-6)
Chambers, Whittaker - magazine writer. (A 256)
Chan F. - Chicago A.A. carried message with Bill Y. to Pat C. in Minneapolis, 1940 (A 95)
Charles "C. J." K. - both he and Eddie B were in state insane asylum in Toledo as voluntary commitments summer 1939, read manuscript of Big Book and got out; they 12 stepped Duke P. in Toledo. (D 253)
Charlie B. - alcoholic, with help of non-alcoholic candy manufacturer started AA groups in Vancouver, British Columbia. (A 84)
Charlie J. - early Cleveland A.A. (D 167)
Charlie P. - presented Big Book seminars with Joe McQ. (G 112)
Charlie S. - his story, "Riding the Rods", was in the first edition of the Big Book. (BB1 303-16)
Charlotte L. - office worker, March 1947, Alcoholic Foundation. (G 5)
Chessman, Caryl - convicted murderer, 12 years death row, wrote autobiography Cell 2455 Death Row; Jack Alexander suggested he write Bill due to close resemblance between criminal psychopath and alcoholic, both unconsciously destroy themselves, Bill wrote back; Chessman was executed May 2, 1960. (P 364-6)
Chet M. - former patient at state insane asylum in Toledo, signed out patients and took them to Toledo A.A. meetings. (D 256)
Chet R - his story "It Might Have Been Worse" is in 2nd and 3rd edition Big Books. (BB2 382-92 / BB3 373-83)
'Chip' - nickname for A. LeRoy Chipman.
Chipman, A. LeRoy - nickname 'Chip', a John D. Rockefeller, Jr. associate; became sold on A.A. and offered his services; was present at meeting December 1937 with Rockefeller to raise money; persuaded John D. Rockefeller to loan A.A. $8,000; was a trustee and treasurer of the board of the Alcoholic Foundation April 1938. (A 15, 148, 151, 180, 189, 208) (B 274, 277) (H 59-60, 148, 192, 194) (MS 13) (P 184, 185, 188, 202, 227, 228)
Chris - Dr. Silkworth sent to see Bill, got Bill a job selling wire rope for Paulson and Weber, came to A.A., sobered up, slipped and never came back. (L 120, 130)
Chrys - visited Bill and Lois in 1939. (P 217)
Chuck - wife Lee, First alcoholic to arrive in Los Angeles from East, artist, arrived just in time attend first home meeting at Kaye's place, Benecia Avenue, Los Angeles, December 19, 1939. (A 92)
Chuck C. - Southern California A.A., "New Pair of Glasses", sober mid-January, 1946, died December 14, 1984. (P 348)
'City folks' - big city people who vacation in Vermont (P 39)
Clarence P., Dr. - A.A. member, chaired 20th Anniversary Convention's Medical Panel. (A 235)
Clarence S. - Dorothy S.M. was wife; early Cleveland A.A., led revolt and announced special meeting of alcoholics separate from Oxford Group; started and founded Cleveland group, May 18, 1939 at the Cleveland Heights home of Abby G., First group to be called "Alcoholics Anonymous", 16 members; called himself Father of Alcoholics Anonymous; attended John D. Rockefeller's A.A. dinner February 8, 1940; leader of group of dissident anti-Conference and anti-General Service Office, his story "Home Brewmeister" in all 3 editions of Big Book (A 19-20, 183) (C 49, 131) (D 101, 109, 115, 142-5, 208-11, 216, 218-9, 241, 245, 248, 252, 261, 263, 265, 267-8, 270-1, 312-3) (G 50, 103) (N 75, 78, 84) (P 203, 224, 255, 257) (S 32, 155) (BB1 274-81 / BB2 and BB3 297-303)
Clem L. - A.A., Bill wrote him in 1948 about organized religion. (P 283)
Clementine, Reverend Mother - administrator of St. Thomas Hospital when Sister Ignatia was there. (D 189-90)
Cliff W. - California A.A.; Dorothy was wife; Mort J. helped him get sober; proposed G.S.O. publish Bill's correspondence with Yale declining honorary
degree. (A 93) (L 157)
Clint F. - Greenland, Long Island New York, first met Bill at J.K. Rice Jr. and Co., he was telephone trader, drinking companion of Bill's from good old days, introduced Bill to Joe Hirshhorn, wife Kay, came to A.A. 1948 (B 175) (L 75) (P 77-9, 93-8, 160, 161)
Cobb, Ty - baseball player (P 30)
Cochran, David - boyhood acquaintance of Bill's (P 47)
Cochran, Mr. - Prohibitionist, lent Bert T. money keep to Works Publishing going; also refered to as "Mr. G." (A 177-178) (L 116) (P 144, 150n)
Cohen, Dr. Sidney - psychiatrist at Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital, present guiding Bill when he took LSD, August 29, 1956. (P 370-371, 375)
Collier, Dr. Kirby - psychiatrist, with Dr. Harry Tiebout and Dr. Foster Kennedy was responsible Bill speaking to two medical societies, endorsed paper Bill read in 1944 to the Medical Society of New York annual meeting, early A.A. advocate. (A 2, 204, 244) (G 67) (H 156, 370) (MS 15) (P 334)
Colvin, David Leigh - with Yale School for Alcohol Studies, ran for president of US on Prohibition ticket. (H 188)
Conor F. - Irish born A.A., tavern owner in Philadelphia, started A.A. Dublin Ireland, first person helped was Richard P. (A 83) (E 43)
Coolidge, Calvin - US president. (D 16, 112)
Copping, Clifford - boyhood acquaintance of Bill's. (P 47)
Cornell, Shep - see "Shep C"
Costello, Spoons - Oxford Group member, kitchen worker at Calvary Episcopal Mission. (P 117)
Cowles, Edward, Dr. - theory of alcoholism treatment involved draining spinal fluid. (BB#3 unnamed 179)
Craske, Dr. Dan - referred Sadie to Earl T in Chicago, 1939 (A 22)
Crecelius, Ruth Hock - see "Hock (Crecelius), Ruth"
Cultice, Grace - Sylvia K's Chicago non-alcoholic secretary, helped start A.A. there. (A 22) (D 181)
Cy - Wilson's spent night with Cy and Barb. (P 214)
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D. S. - San Mateo, CA, wrote in the February 1969 Grapevine about Dr. Bob's comments on the 11th Tradition. Dr Bob's word bear repeating here. (D 264)
"Since our Tradition on anonymity designates the exact level where the line should be held, it must be obvious to everyone who can read and understand the English language that to maintain anonymity at any other level is definitely a violation of this Tradition.
"The A.A. who hides his identity from his fellow A.A. by using only a given name violates the Tradition just as much as the A.A. who permits his name to appear in the press in connection with matters pertaining to A.A.
"The former is maintaining his anonymity above the level of press, radio and films, and the latter is maintaining his anonymity below the level of press, radio, and films -- whereas the Tradition states we should maintain our anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films."
Dale A. - Seattle, Washington A.A. (A 95)
Dan K. - early Akron A.A., patient of Dr. Bob's at St. Thomas Hospital. (D 192, 224-5, 233, 275, 281-2, 296)
Dancey, Dr. Travis - Canadian, worked with Dave B. to help spread A.A. in Canada, First Canadian trustee of the General Service Board. (E 36) (G 112)
Darrah, Mary C. - author of book "Sister Ignatia". (S iv, ix)
Dave B. - founder of A.A. in Montreal, first French speaking member, sobered up reading a Big Book his sister sent him; became General Service Board alcoholic trustee. (A 85) (E 37) (G 112)
Dave D. - Palo Alto, California A.A.; introduced Bill to Gerald Heard, British philosopher, anthropologist, metaphysician, radio commentator, mystery novelist; interested mysticism, psychic phenomena, writer, student of Eastern and Western religions. (G 74-75) (L 143) (P 290, 378)
Dave M. - A.A. member, personnel man at DuPont, co-led industrial meeting with Jake H. at A.A. 15th Anniversary Convention. (H 118)
Dave R. - New Jersey boiler inspector brought A.A. to Charlotte, North Carolina. (A 25)
Davis, Elrick B. - newspaper writer, probated from nut house, wrote 5 part series of A.A. articles for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, set off unprecedented wave of A.A. growth in Cleveland. (A 20, 134) (D 203-204, 210) (H 62, 180, 248) (N 83, 85) (P 224) (S 155-156)
Day, Sherry - clergyman, converted by Dr. Frank Buchman. (P 127-128)
Devoe B. - Husband of Anne B.; meditation group met at his house Chappaqua; the Friday meeting helped Bill cope with isolation in A.A.; Bill, Lois, Nell Wing, Devoe B., Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Dave D. David and Lucille Kahn, Edgar Cayce attended. (G 75-76)
Dick P. - perhaps first Spanish speaking A.A. member, joined Cleveland A.A. in early 1940, achieved citizenship 1963, manager of Cleveland Central Office, translated Big Book into Spanish, finished 1946, (AACOA says Frank M. translated) and gave Bill the book. Dick tried to start A.A. Mexico, with no luck. (A 200) (D 249)
Dick R. - first member that Earl T., Chicago A.A., was able to help get sober. (A 22) (D 177)
Dick S. - AA#7, from Akron, Paul S's brother. Paul tried to get Dick into A.A. in February 1937; his picture appeared in the Jack Alexander March 1941 Saturday Evening Post article; liked Twelve Steps way first written; early Alcoholic Foundation Board member, his story "The Car Smasher" in 1st edition Big Book, rewritten and retitled "He Had to be Shown" for 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 162, 186) (D 111, 127, 169, 185, 288, 306, 330-1) (P 247) (BB1 364-9) (BB2/3 193-209)
Dick, Uncle - see "Richardson, Reverend Willard (Dick) S."
Ditman, Dr. Keith - research psychiatrist, University of California. (P 375)
'Doc' - Bill's nickname for Dr. Bob, see "Bob S., Dr."
Doc H. - Portland Oregon chiropractor. (A 95) (P 288)
Doctor Bob - see "Bob S., Dr."
Doherty S. - responsible for starting more groups in Indiana than anybody else.(D 258)
Don G. - volunteer editor of Grapevine. (H 158)
Don L. - First alcoholic patient at Rosary Hall, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, December 15, 1952. (S 175)
Don V. - had good mortgage business, asked Bill to investigate two companies, Bill's last job before giving A.A. his full attention. Don offered to finance Stepping Stones for Bill and Lois. (L 131, 133)
Donovan, Colonel - recommended Bill for Supply Service in WWII, March 1942 (P 272)
Dorothy J. - early member of Akron group, Roland J's wife (D 243)
Dorothy O. - wife of Jud O. (D 233, 236, 279-80, 290)
Dorothy S.M. - Clarence S. was her first husband (A 19-20) (C 131) (D 101, 115, 142-6, 151-4, 162, 164-5, 167, 171, 180, 182, 200-4, 206-8, 233-5, 243, 249, 262, 278, 292, 309-13) (N 84)
Dorothy W. - wife of Cliff W, Los Angeles A.A. (A 94)
'Dot' - early New York A.A. the Wilson's stayed with -- see also "Wilson, Dorothy Brewster"- Bill's sister called 'Dot' (P 214)
Dowling, Father Edward, S.J. (Father Ed) - St. Louis Jesuit priest; non-alcoholic; nickname 'Puggy'; visited Cincinnati in 1940, read the Big Book, got interested in A.A's 12 Steps as parallels with Exercises of St. Ignatius, the spiritual discipline of the Jesuit Order; went to Akron see Dr. Bob and members of the Alcoholic Squadron of the Oxford Group, they never heard of St. Ignatius and Spiritual Exercises, referred him to Bill in New York. He met Bill on a rainy night in 1940 at 24th Street Clubhouse. Tom M., caretaker of club called him 'some bum from St. Louis'; Bill took 5th step that night with him and had second conversion experience. Father Dowling was editor of the Queen's Work, a Catholic Publication; became Bill's spiritual advisor and close friend for the next two decades; responsible for founding A.A. in St. Louis; One of the first religious leaders to endorse A.A. in 1940. Father Ed spoke at the 2nd International Convention in St. Louis, 1955; tried LSD because Bill asked for his opinion; died April 2 1960; See Father Ed Dowling and AA's Bill W. (A xii, 2, 4, 37, 38, 43, 195, 253f, 254-61) (B 307-309) (E 15, 72) (G 48, 53, 65-66, 77, 86) (H 179, 268-9, 364-366) (L 131) (N 98) (P 240, 241-243, 272, 281, 354, 358, 361, 371, 385, 387) (S 25-26)
Dr. Bob - see "Bob S., Dr."
Duffy, Clinton T. - liberal warden at San Quentin prison, first known corrections official in the country to permit A.A. meetings inside maximum security prison, 1942, Bill spoke to 420 inmates November 28, 1943. Duffy spoke at the A.A. 15th Anniversary Convention; was present at 25th Anniversary 1960, Long Beach, California; died 1982 (A 89f) (E 62, 72) (G 74) (H 118-9) (P 289)
Duke P. - early A.A. in Toledo, salesman, wife Katie P., 12 stepped by Charles ("C.J.") K. and Eddie B., admitted to City Hospital, did 12 Step with 36 hours sobriety in Youngstown (D 150-1, 176, 253-257, 267, 290)
Dunlea, Father T. V. - in October, 1944, he started A.A. in Australia. He was associated with Rydalmere Mental Hospital, Sydney, and Australian psychiatrist S.J. Minogue (E 41) (A 85)
'Dutch' - Bill's and Hank P's nickname for Ruth Hock, see "Hock
(Crecelius), Ruth"
'Dynamite Man' - nickname for 'Icky', an explosive expert commissioned to blow up pier in Houston Harbor, blew up the wrong one. (A 80)
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E.B. 'Bob' R. - his story "He Who Loses His Life" is in the 2nd and 3rd editions. (BB#2 540-52, BB#3 531-43)
Earl M., Dr. - psychiatrist; learned his A.A. from a butcher Ed M; was co-chairman 20th Anniversary Convention's Medical Panel, his story "Physician, Heal Thyself" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 4, 237) (P 301) (BB2 393-400 / BB3 345-52)
Earl T. - early Chicago A.A., sober in 1937, - founder of Chicago group; his suggestion that Bill codify A.A. experience in late 1945 became "12 Points to Assure Our Future" then shortened into "12 Traditions" in 1949, his story "He Sold Himself Short" is in 2nd and 3rd editions (A 22, 203, 213) (D 179-81) (G 20) (H 154) (L 147) (P 225-6, 334) (BB2 and BB3 287-96) (BB#3 unnamed 135)
Ebby T - Bill's sponsor; Bill's childhood friend from Burr and Burton school days; his family was prominent in Albany, for three generations they kept a summer home in Manchester Vermont; sold insurance, worked as investment broker; in 1929 he, Bill, and a pilot flew into Manchester airfield drunk, first people to land there; drove drunk into kitchen of house - asked for a cup of coffee; had alcoholic problem, but visited Bill sober in 1934 - brought the program for sobriety learned from Oxford Group, returned with Shep C; asked Bill to visit Calvary Church on 23rd Street, Oxford Group U.S. headquarters, led by Reverend Sam Shoemaker; visited Bill in Towns Hospital, brought him the book Varieties Religious Experience by William James; came to live at Wilson's November 18, 1936, drunk again in May 1937; drank heavily afterward, longest sober period 6 years - taught Bill to have faith in the message, not always in the messenger; Bill requested he receive monthly check for life; guest at Stepping Stones; died sober March 21, 1966 (A vii, 46, 58, 62, 64, 140, 179) (B 202-204, 207, 211, 229-230, 263, 273) (C 4) (D 91) (E 11) (G 9, 92, 98-99) (H 196-199, 244-245, 277-279, 283-284, 298, 313, 367-368) (L 93-94, 118, 139, 197) (N 7-9, 16-21, 33-35) (P 33, 34, 60, 83-4, 111-20, 122n, 124, 126, 131, 143, 162, 177, 178, 335, 336, 358, 381, 393) (W 151, 154, 157) (BB#3 unnamed xvi, 8-14)
Ed - salesman, Larry J. helped in Texas, sobered up in Houston, took AA to Austin. (A 24)
Ed A. - early Ohio A.A. (G 25)
Ed B. - member office staff with Nell Wing; relatively famous American painter, had been successful writer and editor, alcohol ruined career; discharged from Rockland State Hospital; had laryngectomy and was unable to speak; helped Bill edit 2nd edition Big Book. (D 148, 150, 224, 228-30, 271, 274-5, 325-6) (G 15, 121) (P 354)
Ed B. - early Akron A.A., wife Annie. (D 148, 274) (P 354, 357)
Ed B, Dr. - Bill's doctor, Miami Heart Institute, with Bill in May and June 1970 trying to get him ready for convention in July; was on Lear jet January 24, 1971 from Bedford Hills, New York on way to Miami Heart Clinic when Bill died; arranged for Bill's body be kept in Miami until New England ground thawed for Bill's burial May 8, 1971 (B 368) (G 1, 3) (L 160) (P 399-402)
Ed E. - offered Bill and Lois the use of his Connecticut farmhouse "Dun Nibblin". (L 125)
Ed G. - early St. Johnsbury, Vermont A.A., Fellowship Group member (D 300)
Ed M. - early Akron A.A., had meat market on West Exchange Street, Dr. Bob would stop in and chat. (D 271, 277)
Ed V. - Bill bought an old Stutz car from him, a rumor is that he took the money and went drinking. (L 134)
Ed W. - former sales manager, Bill took him home to try and sober him up. (B 233)
Eddie B. - Toledo based salesman; with Charles ("C.J.") K. was at state insane asylum in Toledo as voluntary commitments, summer 1939, read the Big Book manuscript, and got released; they then 12 stepped Duke P. (D 253)
Eddie F. - U.S. A.A., sobered up in Boston, founder of A.A. in El Salvador, 1954, called "Mr. Eddie" there (E 47)
Eddie R. - from prominent Youngstown family; wife Ruth was a university professor, surrendered in Oxford Group; first person Bill and Dr. Bob tried to help, sent by J.C. Wright, who hoped he would be A.A. #3. That failed; he, Ruth and her two children lived with Dr. Bob and Annie; caused lot problems, threatened Annie with butcher knife; an example of the ineffectiveness of wet nursing a drunk. He eventually got sober in 1949 at the Youngstown, Ohio group, and attended Dr. Bob's memorial, one year sober. (A 72) (B 249) (C 5, 41-42) (D 77-78, 80-1, 85, 93, 97, 99) (L 97) (P 151-2, 159n) (BB#3 124)
Eddy, Mary Baker - Christian Science founder, readings of her works influenced Bill to the dangers of single person leadership .(B 188) (G 25) (P 230, 231n)
Edison, Thomas - inventor, Bill was offered job at his lab. (P 65, 66, 144)
Edith M. - Bob M's sister (D 257) (P 214)
Edna McD. - wife of early Cleveland A.A., a county visiting nurse, helped get beds for alcoholics at Cleveland's Deaconess Hospital. (A 20) (D 201)
Eleanor E. - heard Dr. Bob and Bill speak in 1946, didn't know who they were until 1966 (D 300)
Elgie R. - Oxford Group member; joined A.A. in April, 1939, John R.'s wife, made AA address books, 12 stepped Ethel and Rollo M. (C 50) (D 80-1, 128, 146, 155, 166, 177, 179, 213, 216-8, 236-8, 242-4, 252, 278, 286, 289-90, 296-7, 311, 314)
Elinor R. - wife of Frank R. in Los Angeles (P 288)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. - sent telegram of good wishes to A.A's at 2nd International Convention (A 36-7)
Elizabeth D. - wife of Herb D., Americans who carried A.A. to Brazil. (E 47)
Emily S. - she and husband Harold S. constantly opened Flatbush home for A.A. meetings (L 127) (P 217)
Emma K. - A.A., cared, along with husband Lavelle K., for Dr. Bob and Annie in their last years at 855 Ardmore Avenue, Akron. (C 61) (D 17, 30, 43, 244, 289, 309, 317-8, 322-23, 327, 329-33) (N 336)
Ernest M. - attended Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house. (L 102) (P 162)
Ernie G - Akron - A.A. #4; Akron, first young person in A.A. - 30 years old, first slipper, salesman, considered almost too young; after one year sober slipped and drank for seven months; story "Seven Month Slip" in 1st edition Big Book; met Dr. Bob's daughter Sue in 1935, he was 14 years older. They were married September 1941, married for 24 years, divorced 1965; quit drinking in 1946. (A 6, 73) (B 248) (C 11-13, 48, 51-53) (D 20, 92-93, 95-6, 98-100, 105-6, 112, 140, 141, 143, 258) (L 97) (P 154-5, 226) (BB1 282-6) (BB#3 158, 159)
Ernie G. - Toledo - 1939, early member from Toledo, wife is Ruth G. (D
141, 148, 175, 226, 235, 253, 256.258, 265, 300, 312-3)
Eskimo - fictitious character used in allegorical example of trying to run away from alcohol. (BB#3 101)
Estelle, W.J. (Jim) Jr. - chairman of General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous (E 7)
Esther E. - started group in Dallas Texas, her story "A Flower of the South" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (L 144) (A 24) (BB2 343-54 / BB3 384-95)
Ethel M. - First A.A. Akron women to stay sober any length of time, Rollo M.'s wife, she weighed 300 pounds / husband was little guy, both 12 stepped in May 1941 by John and Elgie R., her story "From Farm to City" in 2nd and 3rd editions. (D 223, 243-244, 284) (S 124) (BB2/3 261-74)
Evans, Dick - Oxford Group member who got Bill a job in 1936 collecting proxies on behalf of investment trust in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (L 105)
Eve M. - former GSO staff member, helped revive interest in the "12 Concepts". (G 27)
Evelyn H. - Bill wrote her about slips, her husband 'Bern' had slipped. (P 252, 254)
Everett - husband of Dr. Bob's office girl Lillian. (C 124)
Exman, Eugene 'Gene' - the religious editor for Harper and Brothers publishing company; encouraged publication of Big Book after reading first two chapters, offered $1,500 advance, Bill turned it down. (A 153-5, 219) (B 279) (E 23) (G 74) (H 143) (L 111) (MS 10) (N 68) (P 193, 194, 356)
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Farragut, Admiral - US naval hero during Civil War, Bill 'met' the spirit of one of his sailors. (P 276, 278)
'Father Ed' - see "Dowling, Father Edward, S.J.".
Felicia G., Countess - her story "Stars Don't Fall" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 102) (BB2 401-18 / BB3 400-17)
Feller, Bob (Robert William Andrew) - pitched a no-hit baseball game for Cleveland Indians, May 1940, Rollie H. was catcher for game. He got a lot of publicity. (D 251) (N 85-86)
Ferguson, Dr. George A. - friend of the Smiths, operated on Anne's cataract, most prominent eye doctor in Akron, took Dr. Bob home when drunk. (C 145) (D 129)
Firestone, Harvey - Dr. Tunks was his minister; brought 60 Oxford Group people to Akron for 10 days in gratitude after helping son quit drinking for 1/2 year. (N 27) (S 19)
Fitz M. (John Henry Fitzhugh M.) - Second man to recover in Towns Hospital, 1935; strongly religious; came to Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house 1935-37; spring 1937 went home to Maryland, tried starting A.A. group there; present at meeting December 1937 with Rockefeller to raise money; led Big Book conservatives, wanted more Christian doctrine, insisted Big Book should express Christian doctrine and use Biblical terms and expressions; looked at Library Congress for number books named Way Out - 12, number named Alcoholics Anonymous - 0; loner in Washington D.C., joined by Hardin C., Bill A and Florence R. to start Washington Group in 1940; wrote story "Our Southern Friend". (A 17-8, 74, 162, 166) (B 250, 263, 274, 282, 286) (D 108) (E 25) (G 111) (H 13, 107, 200) (L 107) (N 334) (P 161-162, 168, 191, 199, 257) (BB1 226-41 / BB2 460-70 / BB3 497-507) (BB#3 unnamed xxix, 56)
Florence B. - Freddie
B.'s wife, divorced after Freddie got sober. (L 94)
Florence R. - Bill knew her husband from Wall Street; Bill and Lois got her out of Bellevue; First female drunk to stay at Bill's house; only female in NY A.A. when names for Big Book discussed -objected calling it 100 Men; her story is in the 1st edition "Feminine Victory"; helped Fitz M. start Washington Group; returned to drinking and died an apparent suicide in Washington D.C. (A 18) (B 263-264) (E 25) (L 107) (P 202) (BB1 217-225)
Florman, Nils - headed the rival group in proxy fight over National Rubber Machinery Company which took Bill to Akron.(P 134-5, 157-8)
Ford, Henry - asked the head man of A.A. to come to Detroit to help a friend - Bill went. (L 121) (BB#3 named 124)
Forest H., Dr. - early Los Angeles A.A. helped by Johnny Howe and Kaye M., became a marathon 12 Stepper around Los Angeles; wife Merle. (A 92) (P 287)
Fosdick, Dr. (Reverend) Harry Emerson - highly respected minister of Riverside Church, New York; completely satisfied with Big Book, wrote good reviews in June, 1939, which were reprinted by religious publications; spoke for religion at Rockefeller's February 1940 dinner; first clergyman to recognize A.A. (A viii, 15, 168, 173, 183-184, 322f) (B 286-287, 295) (G 73, 86) (H 62, 145-6, 177) (L 116, 198) (N 75, 93) (MS 11) (P 201, 223, 232-233) (BB#3 named xvii-iii)
Four Horsemen - The Hideous Four Horsemen -- The Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration and Despair that plague the alcoholic. (BB#3 named 151)
Francis C. - gave Bill a suit in late 1940. (P 241)
Francis H. - young Boston A.A., read Lois's book, offered to help her in late 1982; came to Stepping Stones in January 1983, first as caretaker, then as secretary, stayed until Lois's death in 1988. (G 139)
Francis J. - wife of Mort J., Los Angeles A.A. (A 94) (P 288)
Francis, Saint - see "Saint Francis of Assisi"
Francis, Sister - owned and operated Joy Farm in Kent, Connecticut; early A.A.'s from New York and Connecticut took it over as a drying out place; in the 1940's it was renamed High Watch Farm (A 181) (G 23) (L 122, 199)
Francisco, Tex - huge ex-drunk ran Calvary Episcopal Mission; led meeting Bill went to there about December 7, 1934. (A 59) (B 215) (L 88) (N 18) (P 117, 118) (W 152)
Frank M. - Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age says he translated Big Book to
Spanish about 1946 or 1947, Dr. Bob and Good Oldtimers states Dick P. did it in 1946, maybe both did independently. Dick P. gave his translation manuscript to Bill W. (A 200) (D 249)
Frank M. - A.A. archivist, 1982, and administrative assistant General Service Office; secretary of Trustees' Archives Committee. (G 112, 126)
'Frank, Old' - East Dorset's shoemaker, who taught Bill about nature. (B 24)
Frank R. - A.A., read Big Book in Arizona, a book convert, rushed to Los Angeles to see if it was true, wife Elinor R. (A 93-94) (P 288, 389-90, 392)
Frank R. - trustee from Boston area. (P 389)
Frank S. - Los Angeles A.A. (P 288)
Franklin, Benjamin - one of United States founding fathers (A 267)
Frazer, Clint - see "Clint F".
Fred - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Fred B. - see "Freddie B".
Fred K. - New Jersey A.A. member who helped start A.A. in Miami (A 25)
Freddie B. - chemistry professor; wife Florence, divorced after he got sober; after Bill spoke at Oxford Group he came to talk to Bill and they became friends; drank off and on for 11 years before he finally got sober in A.A., attended Tuesday night meetings Bill's house. (L 94, 102) (P 132, 162, 335)
Freddie S. - joined A.A. with wife Vi S. in May 1941, former mayor of Akron, is the 'Victor' who wrote 13th Step with 'Lil'. (D 97-9, 245-6)
Freud, Sigmund - Viennese psychiatrist. (A 3) (D 12, 338) (H 282)
Fulton Sheen - see "Sheen, Monsignor Fulton"
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G., Mr. - put up the money to help Works Publishing Company after Bert T. put his tailor shop up as collateral; also see "Cochran, Mr."
Galbraith, Ernie W. - see "Ernie G - Akron"
Gallagher, Father J.G. - worked with Sister Ignatia (D 221)
Gammeter, John - neighbor Henrietta Seiberling, put Bill up at Portage Country Club; a self made man, son of a washer woman, started B.F. Goodrich Company. (P 144)
Garth M. - when new in Toledo A.A. group gave him $2 roll of nickels to go buy 40 copies 1941 Saturday Evening Post with Jack Alexander article (P 247)
Gene C. - Chicago A.A. (D 302)
George B. - he and Al S. were instrumental in persuading Knickerbocker Hospital to set aside a ward just for alcoholics under A.A. sponsorship, first New York hospital do so (G 87)
George D. - early A.A. (D 106)
George F. - Norwegian immigrant, started A.A. in Oslo, Norway (E 44) (H 123)
George G. - chairman Trustees' Archives Committee, presided at official ribbon cutting ceremonies to open the archives, November 3, 1975; professor of communications at Hofstra University. (G 108, 127, 131)
George H. - stayed at Bill and Lois's house; took Jack W. to Bellevue - but they locked George up instead; killed in WWII (L 105, 121)
George H. - a pro-conference New York A.A. member, surveyed groups around the country on their ideas concerning self-government, 1948. (D 320-2)
George R. - met an alcoholic Scottish nobleman Philip who had come to America to look into the International Christian Leadership Movement, a group of business men interested in bringing God into industry through breakfast clubs for prayer and planning, during first session he met George R., an old time Philadelphia A.A. member who gave Philip A.A. right off the spiritual main line. Philip sobered up immediately, and took A.A. to Scotland (A 83-4)
George S. - Philadelphian, one of A.A's first loners; sobered after reading article "Alcoholics and God" in the Liberty magazine, September 1939; Jimmy B. visited him after, first A.A. Philadelphia meeting was held in his house. (A 17-8) (P 245)
Geroldsek, John - Oxford Group member at Calvary Episcopal Mission; heavy-set man, house painter, lived outside the mission. (P 117, 118-9)
Gib K. - Milwaukee A.A. pioneer; gave Bill a violin which Bill treasured. (G 35)
'Gilly' - Bill's father's nickname; see "Wilson, Gilman Barrows"
Ginger B. / G. - [Ginger B. in index / G in text] in El Paso Texas; helped by letter Bill wrote, it was destroyed, asked Bill to write another; example of how Bill's letters became talismans. (P 385, 391n)
Ginny P. - regular member of 'spook circle', husband was Tom P. (P 280)
Gladys S. - Madras, India, read about A.A. in Liberty Magazine, came to New York, stayed at Stepping Stones, nickname 'Princess', developed a crush on Bill, sober 1 year when she died in an accident. (L 138-139)
Goldfoot, Ella - owner of farm Bill and Lois worked on during their 1925 motorcycle trip. (B
150) (L 41-42, 44) (P 72, 73) (BB#3 unnamed 3)
Gordon - early New York A.A. (P 215)
Gordon M. - In October 1939 he found a room for A.A. meetings at South Orange Community House, NJ, first New Jersey A.A. meeting not in a home; picture appeared in the Jack Alexander article in the Saturday Evening Post. (L 127) (P 247)
Grace - she and husband were asked to love each other using the '24 hour plan' (D 256-7)
Grace G. - wife of Abby G. early Cleveland A.A. (A 21)
Grace O. - she and her husband helped original group publish the A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
Grassroots, Mr. - anonymous spokesman, Centerville, U.S.A., portraying everybody in A.A. at 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, July 1955 (A 41-44)
Green, Hetty - richest woman on Wall Street at the turn of the century, "The Witch of Wall Street", famous miser, in latter part of the 19th century she amassed a large fortune and was the richest woman in the world. She wielded equally large political power; Bill used this name as a nickname for his mother, Dr. Emily, see "Wilson, Dr. Emily Griffith"
Greim, Lorraine - Ruth Hock's assistant, nonalcoholic, started work at Newark office, January 1940; Bill nicknamed her'Sweetie Pie'. (P 235, 250)
Grennie C. / Grenny - patient of Dr. Harry Tiebout at Blythewood Sanitarium, friend of Marty M. who said to Grennie "we are no longer alone" - a famous A.A. statement, summarizes relief felt by every isolated alcoholic on finally finding the Fellowship (A 3) (G 66) (H 369) (L 124, 127) (P 213, 216)
'Griffith' - name Jack Alexander 1941 Saturday Evening Post article gave Bill for anonymity
Griffin, Clarence - Gardner Fayette Griffith's only son, Bill's uncle, died in 1894 in Colorado. (P 28, 31, 406)
Griffith, Ella Brock - Bill's grandmother, married Gardner Fayette Griffith, raised Bill from age 10, and sister Dorothy who died in 1921 (N 10) (P 25, 27, 28, 45, 46, 55, 70) (W 139)
Griffith, Family - Bill's mother's family. (P 15, 41, 126)
Griffith, Gardner Fayette - Bill's mother's father, Bill's grandfather and substitute father; Civil War veteran; married Ella Brock; nicknamed Jolly because he usually wasn't, East Dorset's most prosperous citizen when he died in 1924. (P 20, 25, 27-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 45-7, 52, 64, 70) (N 10, 16) (W 139) (BB#3 unnamed 10)
Griffith, Helen - Bill's step-sister, her husband died of alcoholism, her best friend sobered up in New Jersey group, a newcomer that Bill helped; woman of means, interested in building new houses and fixing up old ones; built the house Wilson's got in April 11, 1941. Bill and Lois moved into Bedford Hills, NY, "Stepping Stones" home 23 years after their marriage, it was their first house. (B 316-317) (L 133, 136) (P 259-260)
Griffith, Millie - Bill's aunt. (P 13)
Griffith, Robert - Bill's cousin, Brattleboro, VT. (P 27, 28)
Griffith, Silas - Gardner Fayette Griffith's cousin, Vermont's first millionaire (P 28)
Griffith, Will - got terms from agents so Bill's grandfather could buy and sell cars. (P 46)
Grinnell, Catherine 'Katy' - member of wealthy family from New Bedford, Massachusetts, lost husband WWI, entertained soldiers. (P 55-6)
Grinnell, Dr. - treated Bill around 1915 while Bill was enrolled in Norwich University. (P 45)
Grinnell, Emmy - member of wealthy family from New Bedford, Massachusetts, husband gone WWI, entertained soldiers (P 55-6)
Grinnell Family - wealthy and leading socialite family from New Bedford Massachusetts, gave party for service men where Bill took his first drink - a Bronx cocktail, age 22. (B 104, 106) (N 13) (P 55) (W 145-146)
Gulden, Frank - former Trustee of General Service Board. (A 6, 208) (H 194)
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Haas, Father Vincent - newly ordained priest, looked into A.A. for Sister Ignatia, heard confessions from alcoholic patients at St. Francis Hospital because the hospital chaplain didn't think alcoholics patients truly repentant (D 189-190) (N 80) (S 86)
Hackensmith - a wrestler (P 30)
Haggard, Dr. Howard W. - with Elvin M. Jellinek founded Yale Summer Studies programs; moved to New Jersey and began Rutgers School on Alcohol Studies in 1962; wrote article
in first Grapevine; with Dr. Henderson began publishing Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol in 1940 (E 28) (H 187-90) (P 325n)
Hal S. - founder of San Diego group, helped by Johnny Howe and Kaye M. (A 92)
Hall, Mrs. - admissions nurse at Akron City Hospital. (D 81-4) (BB#3 unnamed 156)
Hammer, Dr. A. Wiese - wife Helen; Philadelphian; told friend Judge Curtis Bok, owner publisher of the Saturday Evening Post, about A.A. and to have Jack Alexander do a story; secured Philadelphia Group first meeting rooms, introduced Dr. Stouffer, chief psychiatrist at Philadelphia General Hospital to A.A., visited other cities with A.A. members to talk A.A. up and paid their expenses, offered to buy club house. (A 18, 190) (H 362-364) (P 244)
Hammer, Helen - wife Dr. A. Wiese Hammer, went to A.A. meetings with him for years. (H 363-4)
Hank G. - chairman of Alcoholic Foundation Committee overseeing A.A. office in 1949; structured and programmed 1955 International Convention, St. Louis; supervised 1960 International Convention, Long Beach, California; manager General Service Office. (A 32) (G 9, 101)
Hank / Henry P. - salesman, early New York A.A.; he and wife Kathleen lived Teaneck NJ; drinking cost him an executive position with Standard Oil of New Jersey; 2nd prospect Bill got from Dr. Silkworth 1935; organized gasoline dealers in northern New Jersey in a cooperative - Honor Dealers at 17 William Street, Newark, in the spring of 1937 with Bill; present at meeting December 1937 with Rockefeller to raise money; co-leader with Jim B. of Big Book liberals - less God stuff; partner with Bill to form Works Publishing Company in early 1939 to publish Big Book; wrote chapter 10 in the Big Book "To Employers"; got drunk after 4 years sobriety, April 1940; died in Pennington, New Jersey in 1954; his story "The Unbeliever" is in the 1st edition Big Book. (A 11, 16f, 74, 154, 155-7, 159, 163-164, 167, 170f, 179) (B 250, 263, 274, 282, 284-285, 298-299, 301, 321) (D 108, 167, 180, 201, 208) (E 15, 18) (G 79) (H 62, 106, 108, 144, 201) (L 98, 101, 127, 130) (N 75) (P 161-162, 167, 169, 191-2, 194, 195, 199-200, 204, 205, 207, 208, 213, 216, 217, 220, 226, 228, 229-31, 235, 236, 241, 243n, 255) (W 160) (BB1 194-205) (BB#3 unnamed xxix, 136, 163)
Hans H. - Scandinavian American who brought the Big Book to Bergen, Norway. (A 29)
'Happiness Joe' - New York radio late night host, maybe Lillian R's first A.A. contact. (G 46)
Hardin C. - joined Fitz M. in the Washington, D.C. area in 1940; bought Preferred Stock in Works Publishing Inc. (A 188) (P 257, 258n)
Harold G. - early Akron A.A., sent to Cincinnati to bring back Bill J. who slipped. (D 112-3, 119)
Harold S. - he and wife Emily S. constantly opened their Flatbush home for A.A. meetings in 1939, drove Bill and Lois to Green Pond, New Jersey. (L 125, 127) (P 217)
Harriet - niece of Carry, Wilson's cook/housekeeper at Stepping Stones (G 37) (L 157)
Harriet G. - Nell Wing's secretary and general assistant; died May 1986. (G 126)
Harrington, Mr. - Dr. Bob's neighbor as a youth, had dog Rover (D 14)
Harris K. - his story "Growing Up All Over Again" is in 3rd edition (BB#3 418-21)
Harrison, Leonard V. - director of public affairs of the Community Service Society of New York City; non-alcoholic Alcoholic Foundation trustee 1941 - April 1965, except 5 year hiatus 1956-1961 as chairman; spoke 2nd Intentional Convention St. Louis 1955; present 25th Anniversary 1960 Long Beach California (A 5, 186, 208, 212) (E 72) (G 74) (H 168, 195) (MS 17) (P 221, 358)
Harry B - on board of Alcoholic Foundation - replaced 'NY member that got drunk', his story "A Different Slant" is in 1st edition of Big Book. (BB1 252-253) (BB#3 'Fred" 39-43)
Harry N., Dr. - early Cleveland A.A.; complied with junior assistant Dr. Ippolito insistence not to operate - first professional intervention 1941, received treatment; treated so many alcoholics called 'Patron Saint of Cleveland A.A.'; early treated alcoholics castor oil and egg soup called Dr. Nash's Formula (D 201-2) (S 163-164)
Harry R. - 12 stepped Dick P. - perhaps first Spanish speaking A.A. (D 249)
Harry Z - his story "A Close Shave" is in 1st edition of Big Book (BB1 348-350)
Hazard, Rowland - Bill met him at Stewart's cafeteria after Oxford Group meetings; Rowland carried the message to Ebby; former Rhode Island state senator, investment banker, senior director chemical company, concerned about his drinking he saw Dr. Carl Jung psychoanalyst in Switzerland in 1930, and was treated for about a year, drunk again, returned for more treatment, Jung told him that science couldn't help him, he needed spiritual awakening, joined Oxford Group in 1931 and found sobriety; with Cebra G. interceded with judge to accept responsibility for Ebby in August 1934, helped Ebby find sobriety; died 1945. (B 229-231) (E 10) (H 276-9, 282-3) (L 93) (N 8, 9, 21, 33) (P 113-115, 128, 381-4, ) (W 154-155) (BB#3 unnamed 9, 26)
Hazel R. - Dennis Manders' staff secretary (G 101)
Heard, Gerald - writer, student of Eastern and Western religions, british philosopher, mystery novelist, interested in mysticism and psychic phenomena, founded Trabuco College, British radio commentator, anthropologist, metaphysician; the Wilsons first visited Trabuco campus winter 1943-1944; wrote "Search for Ecstasy"; defined A.A. as ad hoc church in May 1958 Grapevine; introduced Bill to Aldous Huxley and two English psychiatrists Dr. Humphrey Osmond and Dr. Abram Hoffer working with schizophrenics and alcoholics in Canadian hospital experimenting with LSD; Bill took LSD under his supervision at VA Medical Center, California, August 29, 1956. (G 54, 74-75) (L 143, 159) (N 137) (P 290, 368, 370-371, 375)
'Heard, H.F.' - wrote dozens of mysteries published under this pseudonym, real name was Huxley, Aldous
Heatter, Gabriel - 'We the People' popular radio show; friend of Morgan R. Hank P. prevailed on Morgan to set up an interview. Morgan interviewed on the show April 25, 1939 as an Anonymous Guest, hoping to launch sales of the newly published Big Book. (A 174-175, 246) (B 288) (L 115) (N 90) (P 207, 209, 248)
Helen B. - A.A., senior office staff, recommended Nell Wing work directly with Bill to put together booklet "Third Legacy", her story "Promoted to Chronic" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 215) (G 14) (MS 17) (P 347) (BB2 485-94 / BB3 464-73)
Helen P. - her picture appeared Jack Alexander 1941 Saturday Evening Post article. (P 247)
Helen W. - early New York female A.A., committed suicide. (P 219)
Helga H. - her husband Leonard was non-alcoholic Alcoholic Foundation trustee; let Wilson's use apartment for a few months at 72nd Street and Riverside Drive, Manhattan. (L 127) (P 216)
Henderson, Dr. - worked with Dr. H. W. Haggard at Yale. (H 187)
Hennessy, J.J. - Bill wrote a letter to him in 1956 describing A.A. structure ideas. (G 21)
'Henri' - Dr. Bob's nickname for Seiberling, Henrietta.
Henrietta D. - wife of Bill D. A.A. #3; met Dr. Bob's wife June 28, 1935; served 22 years as matron at Akron City Workhouse and helped carry message to confined female alcoholics. (A 6, 72) (C 42) (D 83-9, 100, 145-6, 235, 244, 272) (H 362) (P 153, 159n) (S 117)
Henry G. - part time manager of 141 East 44th Street office, "Do It Now". (H 157)
Henry K. - early A.A. (P 217)
Henry P. - early A.A. (not same person as 'Hank'/Henry P, or his son) (D 106)
Henry P. - Hank P's son (P 195, 236)
Henry W. - heard Dr. Bob, Bill, Bill D., Sister Ignatia at meeting in Akron 1949, got drunk, got sober in 1950 (D 277)
Herb D. - from New Jersey, attended Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house with wife Margaret. (L 102) (P 162)
Herb D. - husband of Elizabeth D., Americans who carried A.A. to Brazil. (E 47)
Herb M. - trustee General Service Board 1956-1960, General Service Office general manager 1960-1968, chairman trustees' General Service Committee; he and wife bought 600 shares in British Columbia oil lands due to Bill's advice, Bill made good helping them recoup their losses; critical of Bill's ideas and timing; assisted in restructuring committee so that majority of members are alcoholic. (G 20, 53, 101) (P 293, 294, 367n, 380, 392, 395, 396, 397)
Herbert - gave Lois a ride to Newark. (P 215)
Hershey, Lewis B. - director Selective Service 1942; Bill wrote letter concerning alcoholics being allowed serve in military (P 272, 273)
'Hetty' - Bill's mother's nickname - after famous Hetty Green, see "Wilson, Dr. Emily Griffith" or "Green, Hetty"
Hirshhorn, Joe - millionaire Wall Street big shot; wife Olga; famous art collector; employed Bill early in the 1930's when no one else would; hired Bill to analyze and evaluate companies in the early 1930's; parted company after Bill disgraced himself on assignment in Canada; renewed relationship 1962; met again at La Guardia Airport; he said Bill was number 1 drunk in America. Joe died 1981. (B 175, 357) (G 71) (L 75-76) (P 93-4, 95, 97-8, 144, 160, 379)
Hirshhorn, Olga - wife Joe Hirshhorn (L 76)
Hock (Crecelius) , Ruth - non-alcoholic, native of Newark, NJ; grew up in thrifty German family, divorced at 24; secretary for Hank P's Honor Dealers company, came to work with Bill and Hank P. in 1936 at 17 William Street, Newark; Bill's first secretary and office manager 1936-1942; nicknamed 'Dutch' and 'Duchess'; First national A.A. secretary, went without pay for a time, typed manuscript of the Big Book as Bill dictated, wanted little mention of God in the Steps and Big Book; Serenity Prayer brought to her in 1941; picture appeared in Jack Alexander March 1, 1941 Saturday Evening Post article; given 5 millionth copy of the Big Book at the 50th International Convention, Montreal, 1985; died in spring, 1986. (A 16, 159, 166f, 195-196) (B 277, 292) (D 167, 175-6, 200-1, 205-8, 210) (E 18, 20) (G 61, 82, 111-112) (H 63-4, 106, 107, 144-5, 147, 152) (L 111, 141) (N 99, 297) (P 191-193, 195-6, 199, 205, 219, 220, 224, 226-9, 235, 241, 247, 248, 250, 251, 258n, 272, 303n, 304, 392-3) (W 160, 179)
Hoffer, Dr. Abram - English psychiatrist working with alcoholics and schizophrenics at Canadian mental hospital in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; tested 100s of hospitalized alcoholics, gave them simple vitamin therapy B3 niacin; trying various methods to break patients resistance with help through chemical means tried using LSD in 1954, worked with Dr. Humphry Osmond; Bill met through Gerald Heard, asked Bill work with them, he did over the course of 6 years. (B 358-359) (G 54) (L 159) (N 137) (P 368-369, 370, 376n, 387-9)
Holden, Reuben A. - secretary of Yale University; coordinator to give Bill honorary Doctor Laws degree. (H 205-209) (P 311, 313, 314)
Horace C. - early A.A.; dry 3 months, one
of first to see 12 Steps after Bill wrote them; objected to frequent use of word God, and asking on knees to have shortcomings removed; Wilson's stayed at his Green Pond bungalow in New Jersey during the spring of 1939; (Howard) along with Bert T. found and guaranteed rent for first A.A. clubhouse, the 24th Street Clubhouse in February 1940; got Bill a job selling wire rope in 1940; picture appeared in Jack AlexanderSaturday Evening Post article; suggested printing the Serenity Prayer on cards; in early 1940's the Alcoholic Foundation trustees sent him to Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington to sound out groups and get groups supporting A.A. headquarters; also see "Howard A." (A 161, 180-1, 186, 192, 196) (B 290, 319) (H 64-65, 108) (L 125) (P 199, 206f, 222, 238, 247, 252, 255, 263)
Horace "Popsie" M. - took Marty M. to her first A.A. meeting, his story "On His Way" is in first edition Big Book. (P 211) (BB1 375-7)
Howard - Bill's 2nd cousin, Bill found him dead drunk in New York hotel and brought to Stepping Stones, stayed 5 years. (L 139)
Howard, Dr. - psychiatrist from Montclair New Jersey; suggested that Bill remove all forms of coercion from the Big Book manuscript and put the text on a 'we ought' basis instead of 'you must'. (A 167) (N 75) (P 204) (BB#3 unnamed 163)
'Howard A.' - was actually Horace C. Bill changed his name in AACOA so as not to offend, see "Horace C." (P 206f)
Howard S., Dr. - general practitioner, Cuyahoga Falls A.A., helped by Dr. Bob. (D 129-30, 132)
Howe, Johnny - Los Angeles Probation Department; Kaye M. gave him a copy of the Big Book; they identified the alcoholics who started A.A. on the West Coast. (A 91-92) (P 266)
Hughes, Harold - held Senate hearings on alcoholism in the late 1960's, Bill was involved. (G 47)
Hunter, Reverend T. Willard - spent 18 years at full time staff positions for Oxford Group and M.R.A.; states he never heard of 6 Tenets; supported A.A. (P 130, 206n)
Huxley, Aldous - author of Brave New World and Doors of Perception, teacher, philosopher, New Age pioneer; interested mysticism, psychic phenomena; wrote dozens of mysteries published under pseudonym H. F. Heard; corresponded with Bill for nearly 2 decades; introduced to Bill through mutual friend Gerald Heard, called Bill the greatest social architect of this century; wrote Grapevine articles; wrote Man and Reality which appeared in souvenir book A.A. Today distributed at 1960 International Convention, Long beach; died in 1963. (B 365) (G 75) (P 368, 372, 375, 376n)
Hyde, Mr. - Dr. Jekyl - Mr. Hyde analogy. (H 237)
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Ian M. - started A.A. in New Zealand in 1946 (E 42)
'Icky' - nickname "Dynamite Man"; explosives expert, commissioned to blow up a pier in Houston Harbor, and blew up the wrong one (A 80)
'Ig' - Dr. Bob's nickname for Sister Ignatia
Ignatia / Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin, C.S.A. - born January 2, 1889; birth name Bridget Della Mary Gavin; called Angel Alcoholics Anonymous, Little Angel of A.A.'s, Little Sister of Alcoholics Anonymous, Dr. Bob's nickname for her "Ig"; worked with alcoholics in Akron 1928-1939; pioneered first alcoholism ward utilizing AA philosophy, Akron 1939; first used retreat houses to fortify spiritual recovery; with Dr. Bob's wife helped Akron's first alcoholic women; received Poverello Medal on behalf of A.A. December 7, 1949; wrote article "Care of Alcoholics - St.Thomas Hospital and A.A. Started Movement Which Swept Country" October, 1951, in Hospital Progress journal of the Catholic Hospital Association; last day at St. Thomas August 7, 1954, went to Charity Hospital in Cleveland; received 1954 National Theta Phi Alpha's St. Catherine Sienna Award; died April 1, 1966 -- See Sister Ignatia and Alcoholics Anonymous. (A viii-ix, 7-8, 14, 19, 67, 143, 206) (B 346) (C 6, 128) (D 45-6, 185-99, 221, 245, 277, 283, 328) (E 15, 72) (G 24, 92) (H 156, 202-205, 227, 309, 371-379) (L 145) (N 79) (MS 16) (P 323) (S iii-ix, 1-5-7, 9, 12, 17, 34-36, 42, 122, 128, 139, 145, 149-151, 153, 185-186, 221, 225-226, 240, 257, 273) (BB#3 named 171)
Ignatius, Saint - see "Saint Ignatius of Layola"
Ippolito, Dr. Victor D. - junior assistant of Dr. Harry Nash in operating room at Charity Hospital, told Dr. Nash not to operate - first professional intervention, 1941. (S 163)
Irvin, Arba J - classmate of Dr. Bob at Dartmouth (D 24-5, 67)
Irwin M. - super salesman of Venetian blinds, early Cleveland A.A., early 1940's spread A.A. message through South, started and stimulated many more new groups. (A 25) (B 290, 319) (D 259) (L 141)
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J.D.H. - joined A.A. in September 1936, 9 or 10 preceded him, Dr. Bob nicknamed him 'Abercrombie', one of few who weren't hospitalized, Southerner, had trouble with spiritual part, left established group to start an A.A. group in Evansville, Indiana. (D 46, 111-114, 140, 147-9, 258)
'Jack, Dr.' - nickname of Norris, Dr. John (Jack) L..
Jack C. - brought Serenity Prayer to Vesey Street office in June, 1941, and gave it to Ruth Hock, rented Bill and Lois a sporty Lincoln Zephyr. (A 173, 196) (L 126) (P 252)
Jack D. - early Cleveland A.A., Bill's pigeon. (D 182-3, 210)
Jack G. - Chicago A.A. (D 177)
Jack M. - editor of A.A. Grapevine. (G 137)
Jack W. - wife Jean W., lived near Bill and Lois, Bill tried to help, didn't sober up. (L 121)
Jack W. - helped Richmond A.A.'s realize getting away from wives and drinking only beer was not orthodox AA. (A 25)
Jacobs, Frank - had influenced Bill's boyhood. (B 42)
Jackson, John - Bill's childhood sweetheart Bertha Bamford's pall bearer. (P 36)
Jake H. - A.A. member, associated with U.S. Steel, co-led industrial meeting with Dave M. at A.A. 15th anniversary convention. (H 118)
James, William - Harvard professor, founding father of American psychology; author of Varieties Religious Experience, theory that spiritual experiences have a definite objective reality and might totally transform a man's life; Bill called him one of A.A's founders. (A 13, 64, 70, 160, 262, 264, 323) (D 69, 104, 306) (G 21) (H 175-6, 196-7, 199, 279-298) (N 20, 23, 33-34) (P 124-125, 197, 199) (W 154, 172) (BB#3 named 28)
Jameses, Curtis - honored troops preparing to go overseas, invited Bill's whole battery to his Newport estate. (L 23)
Jane S. - first woman in Akron area to maintain a few months sobriety, married vice-president of a large steel company. (D 122, 241)
Janet G. - She and Bill edited A.A. Way Life, which became As Bill Sees It (G 27) (P 360)
Jellinek, Dr. E. M. - Ph.D. - nicknamed 'Bunky'; world famous scientific, medical authority on alcoholism, co-founded, with Marty M., National Committee Education Alcoholism; 1943 founded Yale Center Alcohol Studies; moved to Rutgers University in New Jersey, 1962; author Disease Concept of Alcoholism, developed famous Jellinek Chart - curve showing progression of illness and subsequent recovery; invited Bill to speak at Yale Center in early 1940's, after Bill's death awarded him the first Jellinek Award; with Dr. Haggard began to publish Quarterly Journal Studies on Alcohol, 1940; died 1972. (E 28) (G 67-68) (H 100, 188) (L 145) (P 325n)
Jellinek, Elvin - see "Jellinek, Dr. E. M. - Ph.D."
Jennie B. - founding mother of Boston A.A., daughter of a Back Bay family, one of Paddy K.'s first two successes. (A 96) (P 251, 257-258)
Jim S., Dr. - physician, originator of first black group; spoke at A.A. 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, July 1955; "Jim's Story" is in 2nd and 3rd editions of the Big Book. (A 37) (P 317) (BB2 471-84 / BB3 483-96)
Jim S. - former Akron journalist, found by Dr. Bob on skid row selling hair oil and panhandling, interviewed and helped all Akron and Cleveland men write their Big Book stories, his story "Traveler, Editor, Scholar" in 1st edition of the Big Book - re written and re-named "The News Hawk" for 2nd and 3rd editions (A 164) (D 154) (H 359) (L 113) (P 200) (W 180) (BB1 254-64 / BB2 and BB3 251-60
Jim W. (James Russell Lowell W.) - confidence man, disappeared in A.A. history (L 123)
Jimmy B. - early New York A.A.; salesman; One of first 10 A.A.'s in eastern U.S. sober June 16, 1938; a militant aetheist, he insisted on toning down "God" references in both the Steps and Big Book, a compromise was negotiated between Wilson and Burwell with the literary employment of such terms as "power greater than ourselves" and "God as we understood Him"; wanted strong psychological emphasis; went to Philadelphia, needed fellow alcoholics around to stay sober, started group 1940; responsible start A.A. Baltimore also; donated his 1st printing 1st edition Big Book to GSO archives; his story "Vicious Cycle" is in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Big Book, sometimes referred to as 'Jim B.' or 'Jim Burwell.'.He is also credited with the 3rd tradition. Jim Burwell died in the Veterans Administration Medical Center, La Jolla, California on September 8, 1974. (A 17-8, 163) (B 282, 295) (G 22, 111, 129) (H 201, 363) (L 198) (N 75) (P 199, 204, 214, 221, 244-245, 258n) (BB2 and BB3 238-50) (BB#3 unnamed 149-50)
Joan C. - best friend of Mrs. Griffith who built Stepping Stones - Wilson's house, helped work out plan so Wilson's could afford it. (L 133) (P 259-260)
Joe - checked Bill's hat and coat at an A.A. function, former member of Al Capone mob. (A 102) (B 344)
Joe D. - A.A.#5, Akron, early Catholic member, "The European Drinker" one of few stories in all 3 editions of Big book. (D 112) (N 84) (BB1 206-16) (BB2/3 230-7)
Joe M. - his story "Joe's Woes" is in 2nd edition only. (BB2 445-59)
Joe McQ. - first black man in Little Rock, Arkansas, A.A., 1962; participated with Charlie P. in giving Big Book seminars. (G 112)
Joe P. - joined A.A. in 1942, Dr. Bob's fellow Dartmouth College alumnus. (D 18, 191-2, 226, 265, 287-8, 290)
Joe T. - tried to get Bill a job with Torpedo Motor Company. (L 130)
Joe W. - came from Bowery, New Yorker magazine writer; supporter of Big Book title Alcoholics Anonymous; sober on and off, (some credit him with writing chapt "To Wives") (A 166) (P 202) (W 160)
John B. - general manager of General Service Office, 1988 (G 144)
John C. - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
John P - his story "The Professor and the Paradox" is in the 2nd edition. (BB2 336-42)
John R. - joined A.A. March/April 1939, husband of Elgie R., Oxford member, 12 stepped Ethel M. and Rollo M., had a barbershop on West Exchange Street, Dr. Bob stopped in to chat (C 50) (D 80, 95, 128, 153, 166, 177, 213, 216-9, 223, 227, 237, 243-4, 251-2, 272, 276-7, 286, 289, 302, 311)
John S. - joined A.A. Akron January 1940 (D 146, 221, 275-6, 280)
John W. - helped group in Richmond realize that A.A. was not to get away from wives and drink beer at meetings. (B 319)
Johnny P. - Detroit A.A., traveled a lot, inspired many AA's to band together, started meetings; started A.A. in Kansas City, Kansas. (A 95) (L 141)
Johnny R. - see John R
Johnson, Dick - Bill's Canadian friend, offered Bill a job with his firm, Greenshields and Co. - a brokerage firm in Montreal. (B 169) (L 81) (P 86) (BB#3 unnamed 4)
Johnson, Dr. Gordon - leading psychiatrist in Oslo Norway, helped start A.A. in Norway. (A 29) (G 72)
'Jolly' - nickname of Bill's grandfather, see "Griffith,
Gardner Fayette".
Jones, Cy - Bill's brother-in-law, Bill worked for Cy as clerk in insurance department of New York Central Railroad. (A 54) (L 30) (P 63)
Jones, Joan - Lois's father, Dr. Burnham's 2nd wife, Lois's step mother. (L 84)
Jones, Kleina - General Service Office, conceived the flag ceremony at international conventions. (G 109)
Jud O. - joined A.A. in 1939, wife Dorothy O. (D 230, 233, 236, 279, 290-1)
Jung, Dr. Carl - Swiss psychoanalyst; one of the founders of modern psychology; wrote Modern Man In Search Of A Soul, first published in 1935; treated and helped Rowland Hazard in 1930, his patient for over 1 year in Zurich, his opinion was that only thing that would help was a spiritual awakening, suggested that Rowland ally himself with a religious movement; Bill felt that Jung was at the top of the list of people responsible for A.A.'s creation; Bill wrote him Janurary 23, 1961 and even though in failing health Dr. Jung replied a week later, Jan 30, 1961; As an example of Jung's belief in a spiritual solution, Jung wrote in Modern Man:"Among all my patients in the second half of my life - that is to say, over thirty five - there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life. It is safe to say that every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age have given to their followers, and none of them has really been healed who did not regain his religious outlook."
Jung died June 6, 1961. (A 3, 64, 68, 262) (B 231, 362) (D 69) (H 98, 266-7, 276-277, 281-6) (N 8, 21, 33-35) (P 114, 381-6, 391n) (W 154, 155, 172-173) (BB#3 named 26)
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Kahn, David - philanthropist; wife Lucille; interested in mysticism, psychic phenomena; close with Aldous Huxley, Gerald Heard; long time friend and supporter of Edgar Cayce (G 75)
Kaiser, Dr. - doctor at Toledo state asylum, let Chet M. sign out patients to take to Toledo A.A. meetings. (D 256)
Kaiser, Henry J. - of Kaiser shipyards. (A 90)
Kathleen - non-alcoholic, Bill R's wife. (P 162)
Kathleen P. - One of Hank P's wives. (L 101) (P 162, 216, 217, 228, 243n)
Katie P. - wife Duke P., Toledo group's first treasurer. (D 150, 151, 253-7, 290)
Kay - One of original group publishing the A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
Kay F - Clint F's wife. (P 78, 95)
Kaye M. - non-alcoholic, Ty M's wife; divorced after Ty sobered; Bill chewed her out for baby sitting husband; she took the Big Book to Johnny Howe at Los Angeles Probation Department in the late fall of 1939, these two non-alcoholics brought many alcoholics into the fold who started A.A. on the West Coast. Hal S. was the first. (name spelled "Kay" in Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers) (A 91-92) (D 177) (P 266)
Ken - gave Lois pheasant feathers that she turned into a hat. (P 239)
Ken A. - tried with Dick R. and Earl T. to start A.A. group in Chicago in 1937 (A 22)
Ken S. - Kansas City old timer. (G 112)
Kennedy, Dr. Foster - world renowned neurologist; attended and spoke at John D. Rockefeller's A.A. dinner February, 1940, represented medical profession; with Dr. Harry Tiebout and Dr. Kirby Collier ; responsible for Bill speaking to two medical societies; defended A.A. in A.M.A.; endorsed the paper Bill read at the 1944 Medical Society of New York annual meeting; used term "X factor." "There is something at work in A.A. that we do not undertand. We call this 'the X factor.' You People call it God. You can't explain God and neither can we -- especially at the New York Academy of Medicine." (A 15, 45, 183-185, 204, 320f) (B 295) (G 67) (H 62, 145) (L 128) (MS 11, 15) (N 93) (P 232-233)
Kilpatrick, Dr. O. Arnold - psychiatrist in charge of New York State mental institution, non-alcoholic, spoke at the 2nd Intentional Convention, St. Louis, 1955. (A 6) (P 358)
King - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
King Alcohol - (BB#3 named 151)
Kitterer, Dr. - ordained minister, trained institutional administrator, in charge at Deaconess Hospital, Cleveland, helped set up the alcoholic ward, got visiting privileges for Dr. Bob and Dr. N. (A 20) (D 201)
Klein, Edith - professional librarian, helped Nell Wing with archives at GSO. (G 126)
Klein, Sarah - nonalcoholic friend of Archie T., helped start A.A. group in Detroit, 1939. (A 24) (D 182)
Kolb, Guy - Lois's boss at Macys. (L 84)
Krauweel, Henk - important social worker in Holland; translated the 12 Steps into Dutch, helped start A.A. in Holland; a leading authority on alcoholism in Europe. (A 26f) (G 72)
Kuhlke, M. D. - firm of Kuhlke Machine Co. merged with National Rubber Machinery Company 1928, instrumental in the proxy fight that brought Bill to Akron. (P 158)
Kurtz, Ernest - historian, wrote "Not-God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous". (P 394)
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Lambert, Dr. Sam - along with Charlie Towns founded Towns Hospital, developed belladonna treatment for alcoholism. (B 257) (P 101)
Landon, Bill - lived next door to Bill's grandparents in East Dorset Vermont, Old Frank's son-in-law, fought in civil war, taught Bill how to shoot a rifle, wife 'Barefoot Rose', had influence in Bill's boyhood. (B 24, 42) (P 52, 54)
Landon, Rose - neighbor Bill's while staying with grandparents, Bill Landon husband, the town's librarian, responsible for Bill reading a great deal, had influence in Bill's boyhood. (B 26-27, 42) (P 29)
Landons - Bill's next door neighbors in East Dorset (W 139)
Lang, Sidney - a foremost bridge expert (D 296)
Langley, Samuel P - Professor - U.S. astronomer, physicist, and aeronautics pioneer - In 1896 he became the first man to build a successful unmanned heavier-than-air flying machine. Propelled by a steam engine, the 26-pound (9.7 kilograms) craft flew 4,200 feet (1,280 metres). His first manned aircraft, powered by a five-cylinder air-cooled gasoline engine designed by Langley's assistant Charles M. Manly and piloted by Manly, snagged upon launching from a catapult, and it crashed into the Potomac River for the second and last time on Dec. 8, 1903, just nine days before the successful nights of the Wright brothers near Kitty Hawk, N.C. It had a wingspan of 48 feet and a total weight (with pilot) of 850 pounds. Some authorities believe that if his catapult had not failed, Langley would have been the first to fly a manned heavier-than-air machine. (BB#3 named 51)
Larry J. - newspaper man, sobered up in Cleveland, went to Houston Texas; helped start Texas A.A., wrote a series of six articles in Houston Press which became AA's first pamphlet "AA". (A 24) (B 295) (D 259) (L 141)
Lavelle K. - A.A., along with wife Emma K. cared for Dr. Bob and Annie during their last years at 855 Ardmore Avenue, Akron. (C 61) (D 17, 272, 289, 317-8, 329-30, 333, 339-43)
'Lawyer Barber' - lawyer in Bennington, Vermont involved in Bill's parent's divorce. (P 25)
Leary, Dr. Timothy - along with Richard Alpert brought LSD to national attention in 1961. (P 376-7n)
LeBerthon, Ted - prominent Los Angeles columnist, his articles helped A.A. grow (A 92)
Lee - wife Chuck, artist, first alcoholic to arrive in Los Angeles from East. (A 92)
Leo F. - Los Angeles A.A. Group, instrumental in bringing A.A. into San Quentin Prison. (A 89)
Leonard - early New York A.A. (P 214)
Leonard H. - wife Helga H., let Wilson's use his apartment for a few months, 72nd Street and Riverside Drive, Manhattan; Leonard became a non-alcoholic Alcoholic Foundation trustee. (L 127) (P 216)
'Lil' - First lady to seek A.A. help, involved first 13th step with 'Victor', got sober outside A.A. (D 97-98, 109, 241)
Lillian - nickname 'Lily', Dr. Bob's receptionist nurse, husband was Everett. (C 124) (D 40, 50) (BB#3 unnamed 179)
Lillian R. - popular singer, went public in the 1940's, gave small A.A. an enormous boost in Australia. (G 46)
Lincoln, Abraham - US president. (H 260)
Lisa - her story "The Teen-Ager's Decision" is in the 3rd edition Big Book. (BB#3 353-55)
Little Angel of A.A.'s - see "Ignatia / Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin"
Little, Reverend George - Toronto minister credited with introducing A.A. into Canada; See The God Concept In Alcoholics Anonymous. (A 84) (E 35)
Little Sister of Alcoholics Anonymous - see "Ignatia
\ Sister Mary Ignatia Gavin"
Lloyd T. - early Cleveland A.A., Dorothy S.M. called him to get help for Clarence S., stayed with Oxford group after A.A. split, was Clarence's sponsor, his story "The Rolling Stone" is in the 1st edition Big Book. (D 143, 167, 218) (BB1 386-90)
Lois K. - one of original group publishing the A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
Luke - early Chicago A.A., Earl T. helped him get sober. (A 22)
Lupton, Dr. Dilworth - Unitarian minister of Cleveland's 1st Unitarian Church, helped rapid growth of A.A. in Cleveland; tried to sober up Clarence S.; gave sermon November, 1939, later reprinted as a pamphlet by Cleveland Group, "Mr. X and Alcoholics Anonymous". (A 20) (D 142, 162, 205, 210) (N 84-85)
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M., Dr. - One of first, if not the first drunk that Bill and Dr. Bob tried to help, disappeared from A.A. history. (P 144)
M., Mrs. - wife of Alex M.. (D 147)
Mac, 'Poor' - early New York A.A., members didn't think he'd make it - he did. (P 227, 228)
McCarthy, Ray - First administrator of Yale School of Alcohol Studies. (H 189)
MacCormick, Austin - Commissioner of Corrections, New York, Professor of Criminology at University of California, penologist; served 2 terms as trustee; non-alcoholic, spoke at 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, 1955 (A 6) (L 57) (P 358)
Madeline V. - early Akron A.A. (D 283-5)
Maeve - one of original group publishing the A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
Mag V. - wife of Bob V.; Wilson's stayed at their farm house, fall 1939, with rooms called Upper and Lower Siberia, located Bog Hollow, Monsey, New York. (A 11, 179) (B 291) (L 122, 127) (P 214, 218)
Main, Florence - Oxford Group leader in Akron (D 157)
Manders, Dennis - long time non-alcoholic controller of General Service Office; co-worker with Nell Wing; prophesied at St. Louis Convention that Bill's final stepping down from A.A. leadership would take years; in charge taping of April, 1970 Conference where Bill couldn't finish speech. (G 50, 60, 76, 96) (H 157) (P 372-3, 393, 399)
Margaret D. - wife of Herb D., attended Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house. (P 162)
Margaret McP. - husband of Mickey, ran drying out farm at Ballston Spa, New York, Ebby Thatcher stayed there in 60's, cared for by Margaret. (L 118)
Marian - Tom P's aunt whose table was refinished. (P 280)
Marie B. - wife of Walter B., Cleveland A.A.; (Akron records state she wrote the chapter in Big Book 'To Wives'); her story "An Alcoholic's Wife" is in 1st edition Big Book. (A 164) (D 152) (S 122) (BB1 378-379)
Markey, Morris - writer, "Alcoholics and God" article in Liberty magazine, September 1939. (A 17, 87, 176-177) (H 145, 180) (L 116) (MS 11) (N 90) (P 223, 224)
Marshall B. - early Los Angeles A.A. helped by Johnny Howe and Kaye M. (A 92)
Martin, Sarah - name in Jack Alexander's March '41 Saturday Evening Post article used for Marty M.
Marty M. - One of first A.A. women to achieve lasting sobriety, came to meetings at Bill and Lois's; Dr. Tiebout gave Multilith copy of Big Book to her at Blythewood Sanitarium Greenwich Connecticut; started Greenwich group 1939; sponsored Nona W.; introduced Bill to Dr. Harry Tiebout chief psychiatrist Blythewood; with original group publishing Grapevine; founded National Committee Education Alcoholism [N.C.E.A.] October 2, 1944, later became National Council On Alcoholism, then National Council Alcoholism and Drug Dependence; Bill and Dr. Bob publicly endorsed NCEA, were named in letter head, 1946 solicitation letter for funds looked like A.A. and N.C.E.A. were linked together - impacted 7th Tradition; in 1943 attended newly founded Yale School of Alcohol Studies, country's first such educational program; broke anonymity and Bill supported; Time magazine article in 1944 on NCEA told her AA background; present at 25th Anniversary, 1960, Long Beach, California, her story "Women Suffer Too" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 3, 18, 181, 201) (B 302-303) (E 72) (G 12-13, 66) (H 100-1, 189, 369) (L 124, 127, 146) (N 118, 126, 417) (P 210-213, 216, 244, 248, 293, 295, 310-1, 319-20, 401) (S ix) (BB2 and BB3 222-9)
Max - A.A.'s first German member (E 52);
Max O. - wife of Dr. Paul O., his story is in 3rd edition "Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict" and has been renamed "Acceptance Was The Answer" in the 4th edition. (BB3 439-452)
Maxwell, Dr. Milton - Chairman Emeritus with Dr. John (Jack) L. Norris at International Convention in Montreal, 1985; member of first Trustees' Archives Committee; non-alcoholic trustee and chairman of General Service Board; died 1988. (G 112, 127) (N 273)
Maybelle 'May B' L. - wife of Tom L., their story is in 1st edition Big Book, "My Wife and I". (D 120) (BB1 287-95)
Maynard B. - his story "Join the Tribe!" is in the 3rd edition. (BB3 474-7)
'Mayor Houde' - Montreal's major, supported A.A., threw a party for the groups, maybe the first official reception any A.A. group received. (A 85)
McC. - met at Stewart's cafeteria after Oxford Group meetings (B 229-230);
McKinnon, Arch - aided Dr. S.L. Minogue and Father Dunlea at Rydalmere Mental Hospital, Sydney, Australia. (A 86)
Mel B. - Michigan A.A. (P 348)
Merced, Sister - looked after 2 bed ward at St. John's Hospital, Cleveland (A 20) (H 204)
Merle H. - wife of Doctor Forest H., Los Angeles A.A. (P 287-288)
Mickey McP. - wife Margaret; had rest farm, Ballston Spa, near Schenectady, New York; Ebby T. spent last 2 years life there. (G 99)
Midge M. - Bob H's administrative assistant; helped Nell Wing with archives; secretary Trustees' Archives Committee (G 126-127)
Mielcarek, Henry - corporate personnel expert; engaged by Allis-Chalmers to look after alcoholic problem; non-alcoholic, spoke at 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, 1955 (A 5) (P 358)
Mike - early Detroit A.A. brought into program by Archie T. He helped A.A. growth iin Detroit. (A 24)
Mike R. - pioneer A.A. Oklahoma; chairman Trustee's Archives Committee; initiated Markings On Journey, 1979 (G 109-110, 131)
Miles N., Dr. - One of first doctor members in A.A., prodigious A.A. worker and national authority on chemistry of drunks. (A 95)
Millie - Emily Wilson's sister. (P 13)
Milotte, Mary - had influence in Bill's boyhood, his teacher. (B 42) (L 19, 33)
Minogue, S. J. - Australian psychiatrist with Rydalmere Mental Hospital, Sydney, Australia, late 1942 wrote letter to G.S.O. (A 85)
Money, Francis - boyhood acquaintance of Bill's. (P 47)
Montjoy, Mr. and Mrs. - vice president of hotel organization (P 288)
Morgan, J.P. - very rich Wall Street banker, Bill's hero. (P 81)
Morgan R. - Irish Catholic, ex-ad man; came to A.A. in early January 1939; had friend on Catholic Committee for Publications, New York Archdiocese, delivered mimeograph copy of Big Book to committee, they approved; spoke on Gabriel Heatter's popular radio program 'We The People' April 25, 1939, shortly after release from Greystone institution; attended John D. Rockefeller's A.A. dinner Feb 1940; Wilson's stayed at his apartment for about 2 months. (A 168-169, 174-175, 183) (B 286, 295) (H 62) (L 115, 127) (N 47, 75, 90, 93) (P 201, 207, 208, 209, 215, 221, 232-233)
Morris - Jewish A.A. member in Akron, whose sponsor was an Irish cop, recovered at St. Thomas Hospital alcoholic ward and was helped by Sister Ignatia. (D 194)
Morrow, David - a spook (P 276-7, 278)
Mort J. - wife Francis; early A.A., book convert, came to Los Angeles March 1940 from Denver and helped faltering Benicia group; hired meeting place at Cecil Hotel. He insisted on reading the portion from Chapter 5 of the Big Book at the start every meeting, which became a firmly established custom in A.A. in the west. (A 93-94) (P 266, 288)
'Mother A.A.' - see "Smith, Anne Ripley"
'Mother G.' - mother of Ernie G - Akron Oxford Group matron (D 147, 149, 151) (N 55)
Muriel - Lois embroidered stockings for her (P 239)
'My friend postman' - see "Whalon, Mark"
Myron W. - (name often spelled "Myrow"), from NY, his story "Hindsight" is in the 1st edition. (BB1 370-4)
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N - noted radio commentator, broke anonymity for money raising and publicity. (P 309)
Nagle, Father - St. Vincent's Charity Hospital, helped Cleveland alcoholics. (A 20) (H 204)
Nancy - waitress who served Dr. Bob at the City Club where he lunched most of his adult life. Dr. Bob would always greet her with "How's my chum today?" (D 293)
Nancy F - her story is "Independent Blonde" in the 2nd edition of the Big Book (BB2 532-9)
Nash, Dr. Harry - see Harry N, Dr
Ned - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Ned F. - A.A. Washington lawyer, got Bill interested in government. (L 130)
Ned P. - new alcoholic, present at meeting December, 1937, considering possibility of contacting Rockefeller to raise money. (B 274)
Neil K. - early Youngstown, Ohio A.A. (D 254, 257)
Newton, Jim - Oxford Group member, supported A.A. (G 69)
Nic N. - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Niebuhr, Reinhold - One of possible authors of Serenity
Prayer It is generally attributed to him. (A 196) (P 258n)
Nona W. - alcoholic, wife of Walter W., early A.A.'s, friends Sister Francis who invited her to Joy Farm starting A.A's contact with Sister Francis; sponsored by Marty M. (A 181) (L 122)
Norman H - from Darien, CT, his story "Educated Agnostic" is in 1st edition Big Book. (BB1 351-6)
Norman Y. - blind man from Youngstown, Ohio, 12 stepped by Jack D. (D 183-4, 221, 223, 249-50, 263)
Norris, Dr. John 'Jack' L. - nicknamed 'Dr. Jack'; medical director of Eastman Kodak, Rochester, New York; as early as 1948 investigated A.A. as resource available to help alcoholic employees; non-alcoholic, served A.A. 27 years as a trustee, helped change board membership to alcoholic majority; spoke at 2nd Intentional Convention, St. Louis, 1955; present at 25th Anniversary, 1960, Long Beach, California; Bill asked him to try LSD, he didn't; chairman Emeritus with Dr. Milton Maxwell at International Convention in Montreal, 1985; One of his favorite expressions 'Sponsor your doctor'; gave Bill's eulogy; died January, 1989. (A 5, 208) (E 67, 72) (G 29, 52, 72, 112) (H 194, 334-335, 339, 340) (N 259) (P 268-71, 297, 301, 358, 370, 371, 376, 376n, 395, 396, 400)
Northrop, Amanda - Dr. Bob's older foster sister, history professor at Hunter College, New York City. (D 12-13, 14)
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Oetinger, Fredrich - one of the possible authors of the Serenity Prayer, which is generally attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr. (P 258n)
'Old Tom' - see Tom M.
Olsen, Dr. Oscar - close friend and enthusiastic supporter of A.A. since 1947; attended Seattle International Convention in 1990. (G 73)
Oppenheimer, Dr. J. Robert - nickname 'Oppie'; physicist, asked Bill to join him at Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton, wanted Bill to oversee and evaluate chemical composition neuroses, mostly depression, Bill didn't. (B 357-358) (P 381)
'Oppie' - nickname for Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer
Ora T. - early New York A.A., Bill and Lois sublet her furnished apartment at 42 Barrow Street, Greenwich Village. (L 130) (P 215)
Oram, Mrs. Gordon - from San Francisco, had boarder Ted whom she got a Big Book, opened her flat for first A.A. meeting in late 1939 (A 88)
Orvis, Mrs. - owner of the famous Equinox House, headed delegation to meet arrival first plane landing at the Manchester, Vermont airfield; Bill, Ebby and pilot Ted Burke were all drunk. (G 58) (H 367) (L 76) (P 84)
Oscar V. - from an old St. Louis family, stayed at Bill's house (B 263)
Oscar W. - Cleveland A.A., age 29, told, "when you are new, you should 'take the cotton from your ears and put it in your mouth, sit down and listen!'", wrote a letter of resignation and gave to Dr. Bob, slipped, but was back in 6 months. (D 225-6, 229, 231, 245-7, 258-9, 270-1)
Osler, Sir William - late 19th - early 20th century Canadian physician. (A 243)
Osmond, Dr. Humphry - English psychiatrist involved in research working with schizophrenics and alcoholics at Canadian hospital in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Bill met through Gerald Heard; trying various methods to break patients resistance, help them through chemical means - LSD - in 1954 and vitamin therapy - B3/niacin; worked with Dr. Abram Hoffer, asked Bill work with them, he did for 6 years. (B 358-359) (G 54) (L 159) (N 137) (P 368-370, 372, 376n, 380, 387, 388, 389)
Otis W., Father - early recovering priest. (S 171)
Oursler, Fulton - editor Liberty Magazine popular national weekly 1939; wrote book Greatest Story Ever Told; Senior Editor Readers Digest; introduced Bill to Fulton Sheen; member Board Trustees; helped raise money from friends distributing first 2 chapters Big Book when unpublished (A 17, 87, 172n, 177, 208) (G 73) (H 145, 180, 182-183, 194) (MS 11, 17) (N 52, 90) (P 223-4, 280, 335) (BB#3 named xviii)
Oursler, Grace - husband was Fulton Oursler, they introduced Bill W. to Fulton Sheen. (P 280)
Ovshinsky, Stan - Detroit inventor, developed a cheap way of converting heat directly to electricity; formed company Energy Conversion Laboratories to market the idea. (P 380)
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P., Dr. - early Sacramento A.A. (A 88)
Paddy K. - founded A.A. in Boston, amazingly successful at helping others despite having slip after slip, died of alcoholism; Marty M. took him to Blythewood. (A 96) (P 257, 258n)
Pam B. - Red Bank, New Jersey; met Bill in winter of 1968 vacationing in Caribbean, made mutual pact to quit smoking. (P 397)
Parent, Lillie - in a 1907 letter to Emily, Bill W. mentions this friend of his sister Dorothy. (P 23-4)
Parent, Mr. - father of Lillie Parent, killed by a train. (P 23)
Parkhurst, Kathleen - see "Kathleen P"
Parkhurst, Hank or Henry - see "Hank P"
Pat C. - Minneapolis A.A.; Chicago's Chan F. and Bill Y. carried message to him in 1940; tried to start A.A. and a club same time. (A 95)
Pat C. - from California, his story "Lone Endeavor" is in 1st edition Big Book. (BB1 391-6)
Pat M - his story "Desperation Drinking" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (BB2 509-513 \ BB3 512-6)
'Patron Saint of Cleveland A.A.' - see "Dr. Harry N"
Paul K. - visited Bill on Ruth Hock's first day work, Ruth heard fragments of drunken misery, miserable wife, being drunk as a disease, roaring laughter at drunken incidents; thought Big Book should be more Christian (A 162) (E 20)
Paul O., Dr - his story is in 3rd edition "Doctor, Alcoholic, Addict" and has been renamed "Acceptance Was The Answer" in the 4th edition. (BB3 439-452)
Paul S. - early Akron A.A., met Dr. Bob in January 1936, came to New York with Dr. Bob to attend John D. Rockefeller's A.A. dinner February 1940; got Dr. Bob's son a job in Cleveland; liked the way the Twelve Steps were first written, his story "Truth Freed Me!" is in 1st edition Big Book. (A 162, 183) (C 141) (D 111-3, 117, 119, 132, 140, 143, 145, 169, 245, 288, 306, 310, 314, ) (H 59, 60, 62) (L 109) (N 53) (P 184, 232-233) (BB1 336-9)
Paul, Saint - see "Saint Paul"
Payne, Kenneth - managing editor of Readers Digest in 1938. (A 158, 171)
Peabody, Richard - lay therapist in the treatment of alcoholism, author of Common Sense Drinking, recovering alcoholic. (P 176)
Peale, Norman Vincent - popular minister at Collegiate Church, New York, radio preacher eho spoke at New York Intergroup dinner celebrating Bill's sobriety. (L 143)
Peg S. - joined A.A. mid-1940's. (D 247)
Peggy - friend of the Smiths. (D 87)
Perkins, Roger - senior class member at Burr and Burton, was pall bearer for Bill's childhood sweetheart Bertha Bamford. (P 36)
Pete A. - Dr. Bob's son's wife Betty's father, alcoholic; sober after daughter brought him a Big Book in 1944, started group in Clovis, New Mexico. (C 157) (D 303)
Pete W. - His story "Rum, Radio and Rebellion" is in 2nd and 3rd editions. (BB#2 317-29, BB#3 356-68)
Pfau, Father Ralph - First A.A. Catholic priest to join A.A., organized the National Clergy Conference, wrote Golden Books, wrote autobiographical account of alcoholism, Prodigal Shepherd. (S 197)
Phil S. - A.A. #5, A.A's first court case, came in late August or early September, 1935, insurance man. (D 95-96, 100, 108, 132)
Philip - alcoholic Scottish nobleman, journeyed to America look into the International Christian Leadership Movement - a group of business men interested in bringing God into industry by breakfast clubs for prayer and planning, at first session met George R., sobered immediately and took A.A. home to Scotland. (A 83)
Poliak, Dr. Percy - San Francisco psychiatrist with Bellevue Hospital, New York, then at San Francisco Country Hospital, gave A.A. group full support. (A 88) (BB#3 unnamed 175)
Polly F.L. - joined A.A. in 1943 in Chicago, later worked at General Service Office. (D 246, 300, 302)
'Princess' - see "Gladys S."
Priscilla - One of original group publishing A.A. Grapevine (A 201)
'Puggy' - see "Dowling,
Father Edward".
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Quaw, Clayton - of firm Quaw and Foley, firm for whom Bill did most stock market investigations. (P 175)
'R.H.' - Dr. Bob's nickname for himself, see "Bob S., Dr."
'R.H.S., Dr.' - Dr. Bob's nickname at City Hospital, two other Smiths on staff, see "Bob S., Dr."
Ralph - worked in press room at A.A.'s 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, July 1955. (A 36)
Ralph B. - writer, Alcoholic Foundation; frequent visitor at Stepping Stones (G 145)
Ralph F. - from Springfield MA, his story is "Another Prodigal Story" in the 1st edition of the Big Book. (BB1 357-363) (BB#3 'Jim' 35-7)
Ralph R. - married Bill's 1/2 sister Helen (P 330)
Randolph - West Indian Rosicrucian elevator man at 38 Livingston Street, New York, who tried to keep Bill sober and keep him safe when drunk, checked the neighborhood bars for him. (L 71) (P 81)
Ray C. - designed the jacket cover for the first edition Big Book, his story "An Artist's Concept" is in 1st edition Big Book. (BB1 380-5)
Ray H. - early San Francisco A.A. (A 88)
Ray W. - early New York A.A., atheist, went to San Francisco in 1940 on business, told those there that A.A. was great stuff, but put God out of it; picture appeared in Jack Alexander March 1941 Saturday Evening Post article. (A 87) (P 247)
Reed, Joe - friend of Bill's from East Dorset, Vermont. (L 52)
Regnikoff, Dr. - New York Hospital doctor involved with Lois's heart attack. (P 361)
Rex - One of founding members of A.A. in Sydney, Australia inlate 1944, Australia's first A.A. secretary. (A 86) (E 41)
Rhine, Dr. J. B. - Duke University; Bill corresponded with him in reference to extrasensory perception. (G 57)
Ricardo - inmate at San Quentin, helpful in bringing A.A. to San Quentin (A 89)
Richard P. - First sober A.A. member in Ireland, Conor F. Philadelphia tavern owner helped him. (A 83) (E 43)
Richards, Dr. Esther L. - John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, suggested having Number One physician write introduction Big Book, but Dr. Silkworth wrote it 9 days later. (N 332) (P 201-2)
Richardson, Reverend Willard 'Dick' S. - called 'Uncle Dick'; ordained Baptist minister; handled John D. Rockefeller, Jr's private charities and spiritual advisor; Bill got in contact with him through Dr. Leonard Strong; present at 1937 meeting in John D. Rockefeller's office to see about money raising; proposed that an Alcoholic Foundation be formed, February 4, 1938; Bill requested $50,000 but was turned down, given $5,000. $3,000 went to pay Dr. Bob's mortgage, the rest was split between Bill and Dr. Bob at $30 monthly; One of first Alcoholic Foundation board members. (A 14, 15, 114, 147, 148, 150f, 151-152, 168, 182, 185, 186, 188, 208, 219) (B 274) (E 18) (G 98) (H 59, 61, 62, 142-143, 146, 177, 192, 195) (L 108, 197) (MS 9) (N 65) (P 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 202, 232, 279) (W 159)
Rickenbacker, Eddie - most decorated pilot in WWI, in WWII he and crew were adrift for 27 days after plane crashed in Pacific; Bill used analogy for group survival. (A 97) (H 36)
Ripley, Mrs. Joseph Pierce - mother of Dr. Bob's wife Anne Ripley Smith. (D 29)
Ritchie, Charlie (or Charley Richie) - had influence in Bill's boyhood. (B 42) (L 32-33)
Robbie (Robert) - an 11 year old boy the Goldfoots were raising, he got close with Bill during the time Bill and Lois worked on their farm to make money during the 1925 motorcycle trip. (B 151) (L 42)
Robert H. - Bill wrote him in 1959 about loneliness. (G 76)
Robert Ripley S. - Dr. Bob's son born June 5, 1918, nicknames 'Smithy' and 'Smit', wife Betty Smith, married 1944, she started drinking at 16, alcoholic; Smithy attended the 45th Anniversary 1980 International Convention in New Orleans. (A 68) (C 2, 99, 120, 128, 154) (D 10, 15, 28-30, 35-7, 39-40, 42, 50, 66, 72, 78, 80, 91, 96, 99, 105-7, 111-2, 115-6, 126-7, 132, 134, 146, 168, 201, 216, 241, 255, 272, 279-80, 296-7, 302-5, 307-9, 311-2, 316-7, 320, 327-8, 333, 341, 344) (E 14, 76) (L 96) (P 140, 143, 151, 155)
Roberto C. - 12 stepped by Carlo I.; together the translated the Big Book into Italian, gave first Italian Big Book to Lois at the 1980 International Convention in New Orleans. (E 51-52) (G 110)
Rockefeller Jr., John D. - ardent champion of Prohibition, extremely wealthy; helped A.A. steer clear of trap of professionalism by not giving them much money; asked to donate $50,000, donated $5,000 to treasury of Riverside Church. $3, 000 went to pay off Dr. Bob's mortgage, then Bill and Dr. Bob got $30 monthly. (A vii, 14f, 87, 111, 112, 134, 150f, 151, 158, 182-6, 189, 204) (B 276) (D 128-9, 134-6) (H 61, 62, 66, 105, 143, 146, 149, 192-3, ) (L 109) (MS 9) (P 181, 183-8, 189n, 232-4, 256) (BB#3 named xviii)
Rockefeller Sr., John D. - American industrialist and philanthropist. (A 14)
Rockefeller, Nelson - son of John D. Rockefeller Jr., age 31, chaired February 8, 1940 dinner for A.A. at Manhattan's exclusive Union Club. (A 183f) (B 295) (E 15) (H 62-3, 145, 146) (L 128) (MS 11) (N 93, 417) (P 232-233)
Roland J. - spiritualist that Doc Bob talked to in late 1930's. (D 243, 311-4)
'Rollicking Rollie' - nickname of Rollie Hemsley
Rollie H. - nickname "Rollicking Rollie", early Cleveland A.A., famous baseball player, catcher for the Cleveland Indians, caught Bob Feller's no-hitter May 1940, One of first big names to go public and break anonymity in 1939; revealed how he got sober in A.A., caused a lot of publicity - a sports reporter really responsible for the anonymity break; recruiting officer for Akron fellowship, stayed awhile with Oxford Group after Cleveland split. (A 24) (B 300) (D 167, 204, 218, 249, 251-3) (L 146) (N 85-86, 95) (P 236-8, 243n, 307)
Rollo M. - also known as "Roscoe", joined A.A. in May 1941, wife Ethel M. also A.A., 12 stepped by John and Elgie R. (D 223, 243-244, 284)
Roosevelt, Archibald 'Archie' - Alcoholic Foundation trustee, thought Bill should not accept Doctorate Laws Yale University, other trustee's thought should, Bill didn't. (A 32, 208) (L 157) (S 124)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - US president, (H 265)
'Roscoe' M. - see "Rollo M."
Rose, "Barefoot" - see, "Landon, Rose".
Roth, Robert J. - associate professor of philosophy at Fordham University; wrote 'William James and Alcoholics Anonymous' for America magazine, July 1965 - based on discussions and sharing at 30th International Convention Alcoholics Anonymous, Toronto, Canada 1965. (G 21)
Rowland Hazard - see "Hazard, Rowland"
Roy Y. - Army sergeant, first Texan to get sober and stay sober, contacted by Larry J., later stationed in Tampa, started first groups on Florida's west coast. (A
24) (D 259) (P 156)
'Rum hound from New York' - how Bill described himself to Henrietta Seiberling May 11, 1934 (D 60)
Russ - childhood friend of Bill's, communicated with Morse Code at Rutland. (P 22-23)
Russ R. - once a partner in Time-Life, atheist, stayed at Wilson's home over a year. (B 263) (L 119) (P 164, 165, 166, 167)
Ruth J. - Lois made a skirt for her. (P 239)
Ruth G. - wife of the 2nd Ernie G. from Toledo. (D 141, 175, 226, 235, 300, 312-3)
Ruth R. - wife of Eddie R., the first person Bill and Dr. Bob tried to help, Ruth surrendered in Oxford Group; they and 2 children lived with Dr. Bob and Annie; caused a lot of problems. (B 249) (C 5, 41-42) (D 77-78, 80, 99) (L 97) (P 151-152)
Ruth S. - husband was Wilbur S., drove Bill and Lois to see Stepping Stones. (L 133)
Ruth T. - joined A.A. in spring 1939, from Toledo, well-to-do woman, hosted A.A. meetings in her house. (D 242-3, 256, 311)
Ryder, John - New York advertising executive, active Oxford Group member 1930's; knew Bill from Calvary Mission days, supported him. (G 69) (P 173)
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Sackwille M. - member of Dublin group, noted as world's champion at helping AA's by mail, his story "The Career Officer" is in the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Big Book. (A 83) (BB2 523-531 \ BB3 517-525)
Sadie - patient of Dr. Dan Craske in Chicago, mid 1939 (A 22)
Saint Francis of Assisi - patron saint, Bill admired and was influenced by. (A 110-111, 270f) (G 22) (H 237-8) (P 302, 404-6)
Saint Ignatius of Layola - usually in reference to 'Exercises of Saint Ignatius' and the '12 Steps'. See Father Ed Dowling and AA's Bill W.
Saint Paul - had a spiritual experience on the road to Damascus. (P 125)
Sam - high powered Yankee preacher, temporarily minus frock and salary, carried the message to Atlanta and sparked growth there, created a sort of Chautauqua (an educational assembly with a program of lectures and concerts) brand of AA. (A 25)
Sam - early Chicago A.A., Earl T. 12 stepped him, wife Tee (A 22)
Sam C. - started an A.A. meeting in the Akron area, other Akron members were having trouble with him. (D 271)
Saul, Dr. C. Dudley - Philadelphian, told his friend Judge Curtis Bok, owner and publisher of the Saturday Evening Post, about A.A. (A 18) (H 363-4) (P 244)
Schneider, Norman - young Canadian; friend of Lois in Young People League, asked Lois to marry him, family owned their meat packing firm in Kichener, Ontario. (B 85) (L 16) (P 48)
'Scientist' - nickname for Christian Science members. (P 230)
Scott, Albert - chairman of board of trustees of Riverside Church; associate and advisor of John D. Rockefeller Jr., chaired meeting in December 1937 to raise money from Rockefeller; family owned a newspaper in Cambridge Ohio. (A 15, 148f) (B 274) (D 134) (H 59-60, 192) (L 109) (N 65-66) (P 184-185, 187, 202)
Scuderi, Dr. Thomas P. - young emergency room intern at St. Thomas Hospital, worked with Sister Ignatia on alcoholics, treated alcoholics until retirement. (D 51-2, 64, 342) (S 9, 144)
Seiberling, Frank - entrepreneur, founder and first president of Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, father-in-law of Henrietta Seiberling; lived in 65 room mansion "Portage Path." (D 56) (L 95) (P 136-137)
Seiberling, Henrietta - nickname 'Henri'; Frank Seiberling's daughter-in-law, graduate of Vassar College, housewife, separated from husband, lived in gate house on Seiberling Estate, 3 young children; friend of Anne Smith; went to Oxford Group meetings in 1932 at West Hill group, introduced Dr. Bob and Anne to Oxford Group; prayed and received guidance to have special Oxford group meeting on Dr. Bob's drinking; last name on the list Reverend Walter Tunks gave Bill when he called from the Mayflower Hotel, arranged for Bill and Dr. Bob to meet Mother's Day, May 12, 1935 at her residence; she and Anne taught Bill and Dr. Bob to start the day with quiet time, prayer, reflection; unsympathetic to Bill about conference - believed that Bill had finally succumbed to madness. (A 19, 66, 73, 75) (B 236-237) (C 2-3, 36) (D 56, 58-61, 63-4, 66, 100, 108, 130, 137, 157-61, 217-9, 267, 271, 342) (E 2) (G 51, 69) (H 355-7) (L 95) (N 27, 31, 35) (P 136-7, 142, 144, 189n, 301) (S 18, 114) (W 156) (BB#3 unnamed 179)
Seltzer, Louis - editor of Cleveland Press, rounded out industrial meeting at 15th anniversary 1950 International Convention at Cleveland. (H 118)
Shaw, Elise - Frank Shaw's wife, matron of honor at Lois's and Bill's wedding, Lois's oldest and closest friend. (B 111, 137) (L 11, 22, 74) (P 175)
Shaw, Frank - wife Elise; Wall Street big shot, high up in J.K. Rice Company; Bill did stock market investigations for him; parted official company in 1929, remained lifelong friends; died 1950's. (B 137) (L 74) (P 69, 72, 74, 75, 78-80, 85, 175)
Shaw, Robert - lawyer, friend of Willard S. Richardson, early Board member. (A 186)
Shaw, W.H. - on faculty at Burr and Burton, pall bearer for Bertha Bamford, Bill's childhood sweetheart (P 36)
Sheen, Monsignor Fulton - nationally popular, his radio show "Catholic Hour"; then a monsignor, later a bishop; met with Bill on Saturdays for the better part of a year to explain Catholicism to Bill. (G 48) (N 52) (P 281-2, 335)
Sheila T. - helped Nell Wing and Harriet G.. with archives. (G 126)
Shep C. - Vermont; did considerable drinking with Ebby T.; throough the Oxford group, tried to help Ebby; went with Ebby to see Bill on Ebby's 2nd visit; came to Tuesday night meetings at Bill's house; went with Bill and Lois to Oxford Group meetings at Calvary Episcopal Church 4th Avenue. (B 211) (L 91) (N 17-18) (P 113, 115, 116, 162) (W 151) (BB#3 unnamed 9, 13)
Shepherd - early New York A.A., folks thought he would make it (P 227)
Sheppard, Norman - name Bill got from Reverend Walter Tunks at Mayflower Hotel, May 11, 1935, trying to find a drunk to work with, he gave Henrietta Seiberling's number to Bill. (A 66) (C 5, 35-36) (D 64) (L 95) (N 27) (P 136) (S 19)
Sherwood, Carlton - friend of Dick Richardson, a successful money charity raiser, tried to raise money for A.A.; assisted in Rockefeller February 8, 1940 dinner. (A 152, 182)
Shoemaker, Helen - wife of Dr. Sam Shoemaker who wrote book I Stand By the Door (H 379)
Shoemaker, Dr. Reverend Samuel - wife Helen; rector of Calvary Episcopal Church; leading figure in Oxford Group during the 1920's-1930's; met Dr. Frank Buchman in China, January 1918; He decided let go of self to allow God to guide him; converted by Dr. Buchman; opened doors and made Bill see that a belief in a Higher Power not only changes thinking and feelings but becomes the living force in the world; non-alcoholic; spoke at 2nd International Convention in St. Louis, 1955; Bill credited him for 12 Steps; died 1963. (A xii, 2, 4, 38-40, 59, 74, 253, 261-71) (B 226, 261) (E 10, 72) (G 97) (H 177-8, 277, 279, 298, 368, 379-80) (L 92, 103) (N 9, 24) (P 116, 127, 129, 169, 174, 178n, 199, 358, 371, 373) (W 118, 175)
Sibley D. - Marty M. found her in Bellevue Hospital, was a guest at Stepping Stones, a talented violinist, she didn't stay sober. (L 139) (P 335)
Silas B. - wife Beth; Bill worked with him at Towns Hospital, once a reporter for the Kansas City Star, Bill him took to hospital after he was sober, thought he was going to die. (L 102)
Silkworth, Dr. William Duncan - the little doctor who loved drunks; ran Towns Hospital; graduate of Princeton, medical degree from New York University-Bellevue Medical School, not a psychiatrist, specialist in neurology; lost life savings in 1929, arrived at Towns hospital 1930; he formed a theory of alcoholism as a combination physical allergy and compulsion to drink. He had a holistic approach to disorders; met Bill during 2nd hospitalization at Towns, gave Bill the information needed to understand alcoholism as an illness; April 1935 told Bill to quit preaching at drunks - instead talk about illness, tell them about the physical sensitivity and obsession, religion usually fills them with guilt or rebellion; referred prospects to Bill in 1937 - Fitz M. and Hank P.; wrote introduction to the Big Book; suggested that there were too many you and must words in the Big Book; wrote 3 articles on alcoholism for the Medical Record, Alcoholism As A Manifestation Of Allergy, Psychological Rehabilitation Of Alcoholics and Slips and Human Nature; used term moral psychology to characterize the word 'fellowship'; present at meeting December 1937 with Rockefeller to raise money; attended John D. Rockefeller's A.A. dinner, February 1940. See (A vii-viii, 13, 16, 38, 39, 52, 62f, 63, 67, 74, 143, 148, 155, 158, 160, 161, 167, 168, 183, 206, 219, 244, 302-8) (B 191, 224, 227, 233-234, 274) (C 4) (D 68) (E 11-12) (G 97) (H 59, 60, 62, 104-5, 117, 142, 156, 175-176, 196-200, 243-4, 247, 278-9, 282-6, 297, 373) (L 85, 145) (MS 9) (N 14-15, 19-21, 65) (P 99, 101-102, 107-9, 119-20, 122n, 123, 125, 126, 127, 131, 133, 143, 154, 165, 184-5, 191, 197, 200-1, 232-233, 318, 388) (W 153, 156) (BB#3 unnamed xi, 7, 14, 162 - named xvi, xxiii-xxx)
'Silky' - Dr. Silkworth's nickname, see "Silkworth, Dr. William Duncan"
'Sir William' - Dr. Bob's nickname for Bill on state occasions, see "Bill W."
Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine - ran admitting office at St. Thomas Hospital. (D 45, 198)
'Sky pilots' - Dr. Bob's nickname foe ministers. (C 127)
'Slim' - anonymous name Bill used in describing the danger of giving someone taking drugs alcohol (H 104)
'Smit' - Dr. Bob's nickname for son, see "Robert Ripley S."
Smith, Alfred E. - celebrated American statesman, 4 time governor of NY, unsuccessful first Catholic presidential cantidate. (BB#3 unnamed 50)
Smith, Anne Ripley - Dr. Bob's wife, married in 1915 after 17 year "whirlwind" courtship; maiden name Anne Robinson Ripley from Oak Park, Illinois, attended Wellesley College, teacher; started attending Oxford Group meetings in 1932 with friend Henrietta Seiberling; convinced Dr. Bob to go to Oxford Group; Bill asked her to write the Family Afterward chapter in the Big Book, she said no; suggested kneeling when giving self to God; early in 1936 organized a wive's group, Bill called her Mother A.A.; she and Henrietta Seiberling taught Bill and Dr. Bob to start day with quiet time, prayer and reflection; she talked with Sister Ignatia daily; with Sister Ignatia she helped Akron's first alcoholic women; died June 1, 1949, age 68 of heart attack. (A 6, 19, 23, 67, 69, 73, 141) (B 237) (C 2-3, 6-7, 12, 28-29, 42-43, 60, 83, 105, 132) (D 10, 16, 29-31, 35, 37-40, 42, 53, 55-8, 60, 66-7, 71-5, 80-1, 85-8, 90-1, 93, 95, 100, 105, 107-8, 114-6, 119, 121, 123, 132, 134, 142, 145-6, 152-3, 165-6, 168, 175, 177-8, 182, 195, 197, 208, 213, 216-7, 223-4, 233-6, 242-3, 252, 255-6, 268-9, 272, 278, 281-3, 292, 294, 296-8, 300, 302-4, 309, 311-3, 316-7, 320-3, 327-31, 336.341-2, 344) (E 14) (G 71, 88) (H 119, 353-4, 359-7, 360) (N 40) (P 76n, 137, 140, 143, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 162, 177, 195, 275, 334, 339, 342) (S 114, 117, 121-122, 128, 130-131) (W 180) (BB#3 unnamed 176)
Smith, Bernard B. - nicknamed 'Bern'; international lawyer; chairman of Alcoholic Foundation; non-alcoholic trustee of Alcoholic Foundation and General Service Board 1944-1956; chairman General Service Board 1951-1956; architect of the General Service Conference, convinced trustees to change ratio to more alcoholics on board than non-alcoholics; chaired and spoke at 2nd International Convention, St. Louis, 1955, Kiel Auditorium, when A.A. Came of Age; only trustee who supported the conference idea, worked with Bill to bring about General Service Conference as permanent successor to the founders, brought majority of trustees to accept conference idea on a trial basis; helped Bill put together General Service Conference structure; due to Bill's illness he was called from New York to the 1970 Miami Beach International Convention to deliver main speech; responsible in 1957 for new bylaws; died of a heart attack in 1970. (A xii, 4f, 47, 126, 186, 208, 212, 223, 256, 273, 274-283, 281) (B 353) (E 19, 72) (G 96-98, 106) (H 168, 194, 337-9, 380) (MS 17, 42, 106) (N 130, 251, 259) (P 328, 344-345, 350, 358, 401)
Smith, Betty - Dr. Bob's daughter in law, married to Bob Jr. in 1944; alcoholic father got sober after Betty brought him Big book 1944; goes to A.A. meeting for self, March 13, 1979. (C 152) (D 297, 302-4, 309, 316, 318, 339)
Smith, Dr. Bob - see "Bob S., Dr."
Smith, 'Bob' - Dr. Bob's son, see "Robert Ripley S."
Smith, Jack - assistant to Dr. Sam Shoemaker, disapproved of Bill's work with drunks. (L 103) (P 169)
Smith, Robert - wrote an acceptable script about A.A. for Paramount Pictures in mid 1940's. (G 8)
Smith, Robert Ripley - Dr. Bob's son; see "Robert Ripley S."
Smith, Sue 'Suzanne' - see "Windows, Sue"
Smith, Judge Walter Perrin - Dr. Bob's father, on Caledonia County [Vermont] Probate court, state attorney aat various times, member of state legislature, superintendent of St. Johnsbury schools, director of Merchants National Bank, president of Passumpsic Savings Bank, taught Sunday school for 40 years, died 1918, didn't see son attain permanent sobriety. (D 9-10, 14, 26, 28) (BB#3 unnamed 171)
Smith, Mrs. Walter Perrin - Dr. Bob's mother, lived see him attain permanent sobriety. (D 9-10, 172, 318) ) (BB#3 unnamed 171)
Smithers, Brinkley - chartered a Lear jet to get Bill from Bedford Hills, New York to Miami Heart Clinic, January 24, 1971. (G 1)
'Smithy' - Bill's nickname for Dr. Bob, see "Bob S."
'Smitty' - Dr. Bob's son's nickname also 'Smit', see "Robert Ripley S."
'Some people' stayed at Bill's house - Ebby, George H., Oscar V., Russell R., Bill C., Florence R. (A 64) (B 263-264) (L 105)
Spelman, Matilda - Lois's mother. (B 80) (P 86, 87) (BB#3 unnamed 4, 5)
Stafford, Governor - at fall 1960 25th A.A. Vermont Anniversary he gave Bill a citation in behalf of A.A. (G 57)
Stouffer, Dr. - chief psychiatrist at Philadelphia General Hospital. (H 363)
Strobel, Dr. Charles - Bill's mother's 2nd husband (Bill's step-father), cancer specialist at Memorial Hospital, New York, died June 1936 (B 154) (L 53, 106) (P 75, 290)
Strobel, Dora - daughter-in-law of Bill's step-father Dr. Charles Strobel (L 53)
Strobel, Percy - son of Bill's step-father, Dr. Charles Strobel (Bill's step brother) (L 53)
Strong, Dorothy - Bill's sister, married to Dr. Leonard Strong (G 98) (N 14) (P
15, 18-20, 23-8, 31-2, 40, 55, 99, 214, 324n, 329, 335)
Strong, Dr. Leonard V. Jr. - husband of Bill's sister Dorothy; osteopath; stuck by Bill in the lowest times; Bill's doctor and confidant, gave Bill physical examination in 1928, confronted Bill about drinking; arranged Bill's admission into Towns Hospital in 1933 and paid the bill; set up appointment for Bill with Willard Richardson, a friend of John D. Rockefeller; essential link for A.A. people to John D. Rockefeller Jr.; One of the trustees on first board of the Alcoholic Foundation, April, 1938; 1954 resigned from board due to question of more alcoholics then non-alcoholics on board, served as Board of Trustees secretary, died April 24, 1989. (A 6, 14, 147f, 151-152, 168, 208) (B vi, 188, 273, 277, 355) (D 142) (E 18) (G 97-98) (H 59, 60, 142-143, 192, 195) (L 34, 86, 108, 197) (MS 9) (N 14, 65) (P 98-9, 108, 181-4, 188, 214, 217, 361) (W 148, 159) (BB#3 unnamed ?6, 7)
Sue G. - see "Windows, Sue" '
Sugar' - nickname for a few charge nurses that Dr. Bob had known and respected a long time. (D 48)
'Sweetie Pie' - Bill's nickname for Lorraine Greim, Ruth Hock's nonalcoholic assistant, started work at Newark office January, 1940 (P 235, 250)
Swentzel, Gardner - Lois's sister Kitty's husband; 1930's doing well at Taylor, Bates and Company firm closely connected to J. P. Morgan's enterprises; liked Bill, introduced him to Arthur Wheeler. (B 180) (P 90)
Sybil C. - Sybil C. was first woman sober west of the Mississippi in the Los Angeles A.A. (G 112)
Sylvia K. - glamorous divorcee, $700 month alimony, One of two women in the Chicago group in 1939; credited with having longest uninterrupted sobriety of any woman in AA; Dr. Bob, Henrietta, Clarence and Dorothy S. worked with her, her story "The Keys of the Kingdom" is in the 2nd and 3rd editions. (A 22) (D 180-1, 241) (BB2 and BB3 304-12)
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'T.' - Dr. Bob's nickname for daughter Sue after character Hortensia Twitchbottom (C 128)
Ted - boarder of Mrs. Gordon Oram San Francisco in late 1939; early A.A. didn't make it. (A 88)
Teddy - Dr. Silkworth's redheaded nurse at Knickerbocker Hospital. (A viii, 14, 206) (H 156, 176, 373) (MS 16)
Tee - wife of Sam, early A.A.'s in Chicago that Earl T. worked with. (A 22)
Texon, Dr. Meyer - associate of Dr. Silkworth at Knickerbocker Hospital, ably filled in for Dr. Silkworth, who was unable to attend, at 15th Anniversary International Convention at Cleveland. (H 117)
'That guy' - Dr. Bob's reference to Bill letters to Ruth Hock (G 80)
Thatcher, Ebby - see "Ebby, T. "
Thatcher, Thomas - name on headstone outside Winchester Cathedral Bill saw England 1918, Bill thought may be ancestor of Ebby T.. Read the epitaph of the Hampshire Grenadier (B 119) (L 25) (P 60)
Thompson, Dr. Philip P. - Dr. Bob's Dartmouth junior year roommate. (D 19-21, 297-9)
Thompson, Francis - English Roman Catholic Poet 1859-1907; at one time an opium addict (A 257, 259-61)
Thomsen, Robert - Bill's biographer, author of Bill W. (N 13) (P 331, 379)
Tiebout, Dr. Harry - First AA friend in the psychiatric profession; chief psychiatrist and medical director at Blythewood Sanitarium, Connecticut; patients Marty M., Grennie C.; suggested too many you and must words in Big Book; with Dr. Kirby Collier, Dr. Foster Kennedy and Dwight Anderson was responsible for Bill speaking to two medical societies; authored professional papers about why A.A. worked so well, referred to Bill as Mr. X. in papers when quoting him; Bill saw him for his depression in the summer of 1944 ; wrote "Role of Psychiatry In The Field of Alcoholism", 1951; "Surrender Versus Compliance Therapy", 1953; and "Ego Factors Surrender Alcoholism" 1954; spoke at 2nd International Convention in St. Louis, 1955; present at 25th Anniversary 1960 Long Beach, California; Class A trustee General Service Board 1957-1966; died 1966. (A xii, 2-4, 18, 167, 204, 235, 244f, 245-51, 309-19) (B 25, 303, 334) (E 19, 72) (G 66-67, 92, 97) (H 99, 156, 369-70) (MS 15) (N 126) (P 211, 212, 295-297, 326, 336, 358)
Tom B. - wife said to contact A.A. or else, wrote letter to Capetown, South Africa, received reply, sobered and started group Capetown II. (G 119) (L 164)
Tom B. - picture appeared in the Jack Alexander March 1941 Saturday Evening Post article; guaranteed the light, heat, and telephone at A.A. First clubhouse at 334 1/2 West 24th Street in New York; early Alcoholic Foundation Board member. (A 180, 186) (P 247)
Tom K. - early A.A. Board member. (A 186) (P 217)
Tom L. - early A.A., wife was Maybelle, their story "My Wife and I" is in 1st edition Big Book. (D 106, 120, 141) (BB1 287-95)
Tom M. - "Old Tom", an ancient fireman that Bill and Lois got out of Rockland State Hospital, a brusque Irishman, coffee maker/general caretaker/janitor at the 334 1/2 West 24th Street A.A. clubhouse, lived there; told Bill some bum from St. Louis to see him - It was Father Ed Dowling. (A 115-116, 180) (H 366) (L 122) (P 241, 247)
Tom P. - entered A.A. a confirmed atheist, changed his mind; worked with Bill editing the 12 and 12, A.A. Comes Age; present at Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital when Bill took LSD August 29, 1956 in test as possible treatment for alcoholism. (A 219) (B 356) (G 16, 42) (L 156) (P 271, 279, 280, 301, 302, 303, 354, 370-371)
Tom S. - One of earliest Jacksonville, Florida A.A. members; past trustee of Alcoholics Foundation. (G 124)
Tom Y. - First editor of A.A. Grapevine. (G 88)
Tompkins, Howard - of Beer and Company, Bill got involved proxy fight control small machine tool company which led him to Akron; impressed with Bill's recovery and sent glowing letter encouragement December 1934 (L 94) (P 133)
Towns, Colonel Charles B. - owner and founder of Towns Hospital New York City with Dr. Lambert; asked Bill to work in his hospital in December 1936; loaned $2,500 to help the Big Book to get published; believed "lack of occupation greatest destroyer of men" - called them vagrant types, admitted no one to Towns hospital unless paid in advance or had a backer; present at 25th Anniversary International Convention 1960 Long Beach, California. (A 13f, 15, 100-101, 115, 159, 171, 176, 188) (B 257-258) (E 72) (G 72) (H 106, 144, 148, 176, 180) (L 107) (N 63-64) (P 101, 175-7, 196, 223, 271) (W 160, 163)
Trice, Harrison - 1958 non-alcoholic General Service Board trustee. (G 51) (P 394)
Tunks, Reverend Walter - Harvey Firestone's minister; Bill called from the Mayflower Hotel lobby, May 11 1935; Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Akron, long-time Oxford Group enthusiast, gave Bill 10 names to call, last one was Mrs. Seiberling; conducted Dr. Bob's funeral services 15 years later. (A 66, 73) (B 236) (C 5, 35-36, 63) (D 64-5, 344) (E 12) (L 95) (N 27) (P 136) (S 19) (BB#3 unnamed 154)
Twitchell, Hanford - non-alcoholic Oxford Group member; well known professional in New York; accompanied Bill to Towns Hospital and Calvary Mission to talk to alcoholics. (G 68)
Ty M. - Milwaukee A.A., came to Akron to get help from Dr. Bob, wife Kaye M. divorced him after he sobered up; wife took Big Book to Los Angeles the fall of 1939. (D 177) (P 266)
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Uncle Clarence - Bill got violin belonging to him, and learned to play it. (P
'Uncle Dick' - see "Richardson, Reverend Willard (Dick) S."
Uncle Marley - had an influence in Bill's boyhood. (B 42)
Underwood, Ivan - former Trustee of Alcoholic Foundation. (A 208)
Usko - a seaman, sobered up in the U.S., wrote a letter to buddy Veikko K. in Finland (E 45)
Uzzell, Tom - on faculty of New York University; writer for Collier Magazine, edited and cut pre-publication Big Book manuscript at least 1/3, some say 1/2, down to 400 printed pages. (L 115) (P 204) (W 181)
Val D. - founder of A.A. in South Africa in 1946, sobered up by reading the Big Book. (A 85) (E 46)
Veikko K. - received letters from buddy Usko about program, started A.A. in Finland. (E 45-46)
Vi S. - joined A.A. with husband, Freddie S., an example of the ineffectiveness wet nursing a drunk, in Cleveland 1941, Vi helped start women's group, (D 97, 99, 245-6)
Vic M. - early Sacramento A.A. (A 88)
'Victor' - see "Freddie S"
Victorine, Sister M. - contemporary of Sister Ignatia, established alcoholic ward at St. Vincent's Charity Hospital in Cleveland, died January 1988. (A 20) (D 202) (G 24-25) (H 204)
Virginia MacL. - sister of Dorothy S.M.
(Clarence S. wife), patient of Dr. Leonard V. Strong (Bill's brother-in-law). (D 142, 313-4)
Voltaire - French philosopher and author 1694-1778. (A 267)
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W.W. - Yale University proposed initials conveying honorary Doctor of Laws degree to protect Bill's anonymity. (H 206-207) (P 313)
Wade - Akron, early user of telephone to stay sober. (D 146)
Wallace, Herb - friend of Bill's before A.A. started; had Bill take public speaking course. (L 130) (P 173)
Wally G. - early Akron A.A., wife Annabelle G.; co-sponsored Ty M. from Milwaukee with Dr. Bob; daughter went to King's School, checked out King's School to start A.A. meetings there, his story "Fired Again" is in 1st edition of Big Book. (A 11, 91) (D 119-21, 140-1, 147, 177-8, 213, 219, 223, 254, 289, 290) (P 266) (BB1 325-331)
Walter B. - wife Marie; first alcoholic Dr. Bob and Sister Ignatia admitted to St. Thomas Hospital, August 16, 1939; notorious alcoholic and regular consumer paregoric (over counter opiate), Sister Ignatia labeled problem acute gastritis; joined A.A. in September 1939, his story "The Back-Slider" is in 1st edition of Big Book (BB1 265-273) (D 106) (H 374) (S 14, 16, 122, 146)
Walter C. - got sober reading manuscript in Toledo state hospital, went on a 12 Step with Bob M. (brother of Edith M.) Bob was told to 12 Step himself. (D 253, 257)
Walter P. - a writer Bill contacted at Towns Hospital, took him home to try to sober him up. (B 233)
Walter W. - alcoholic, wife Nona W. alcoholic, early A.A.'s, friends of Sister Francis who invited A.A.'s to Joy Farm. (L 122)
Warren C. - joined A.A. in July 1939, caused debate because he was not hospitalized, 12 stepped by Clarence S. (D 102, 109-10, 158-70, 203, 209-10, 241, 261-2, 264) (N 236)
Warren T. - wife Alice; early San Francisco A.A., first member employed as an alcoholic specialist by industry by Kaiser Shipyard, assisted in starting first A.A. penitentiary group at San Quentin; worked with wife to persuade top management of one of America's leading railroads to help alcoholic employees; died 1957. (A 88-90)
Watson, E. B. - 1902 class president at Dartmouth, Dr. Bob's class. (D 19)
Watson, Professor - wrote letter in 1958 to A.A. General Service Office about Dr. Bob. (D 19, 23)
Weaver, Marion - non A.A. office worker in mid 1940's, typed the Traditions. (P 321)
Weber, Delphine - friend Henrietta Seiberling, Oxford Group member, late in 1932 she called Henrietta in reference to Dr. Bob's drinking. (D 57) (N 31)
Weekes, Dr. Frances - psychiatrist that Bill saw in late 1940's. (P 335)
Wes P. - chaired the host committee at 1970 International Convention in Miami Beach; raised $10,000 from local groups to provide complimentary coffee - all consumed at the end of the first day. (G 106)
Wes W. - lived in Wilson's basement; the day before he died of cancer he asked Russ R. for a bottle of Johnnie Walker Scotch Black Label. (L 119) (P 165, 166)
West - non-alcoholic friend, accountant of West and Flint and Co, lifelong associate of Willard S. Richardson, saw that Works Publishing was properly incorporated, personally audited it since the beginning in 1938, turned over then to Wilbur S. (A 188)
Whalon, Mark - Bill's nickname for him was 'my friend postman', Bill's closest childhood friend, met spring or early summer of 1908, 10 years older, sort of uncle or father to Bill, they worked summer jobs together, helped string first telephone lines into East Dorset, hunted and fished together, shared interest in Vermont history, drank together; died 1956. (B 42-43) (D 91) (L 32) (N 11, 16) (P 22, 49, 50-1, 84, 336, 364, 403) (W 141)
Wheeler, Arthur - nickname 'Artie', son of the president of American Can Company, a hard drinker, introduced Bill to Frank Winans, the Chicago banker, April 8, 1932. The three formed a long term speculative syndicate based on Bill not taking even one drink, Bill drank Jersey Lighting applejack in the middle of May, 1932. (A 56) (B 180-181) (L 83) (P 90-91) (BB#3 unnamed 5)
Wilbur "Bur" S. - outside accountant for Works Publishing and the Alcoholic Foundation, took over from Mr. West. (A 189) (G 140)
Wilbur S. - friend of the Wilson's, wife Ruth S., drove them see Stepping Stones. (L 133)
Wilkie, Wendell - American industrialist and political leader, unsuccessful US presidential candidate in 1940, present at February 1940 Rockefeller A.A. dinner. (A 184) (B 296) (H 62)
'Will' - grandfather's nickname for Bill, see "Bill W."
Williams, Clarace - wife of T. Henry Williams, non-alcoholic, daughter Dorothy; friend of Dr. Bob's wife Anne, held Oxford Group meetings in their house. (A 19, 75, 141) (C 28, 44, 123) (D 57-8, 100, 108, 141, 157-8, 161, 165, 167, 208, 217, 219) (L 104) (P 145, 146) (S 31) (BB#3 unnamed 160)
Williams, Dorothy - daughter of Clarace and T. Henry Williams. (P 145)
Williams, Roger - T. Henry Williams was a direct descendant of this founder of Rhode Island and champion for religious freedom in colonial America. (P 145)
Williams, T. Henry - wife Clarace daughter Dorothy; native Connecticut; came Akron 1915; direct descendant Roger Williams; well-to-do inventor, Oxford Group member, held Wednesday night Oxford Group meetings home until 1954; lost job chief engineer at National Rubber Machine Company in reorganization spring 1935; looked like alcoholic; stood by Dr. Bob worst of times (A 19, 75f, 141, 145) (C 44, 123) (D 57-58, 69, 79, 87, 100-1, 106, 108, 112, 121-2, 124, 130, 132, 137-8, 141-2, 144, 147, 155, 157-8, 161-2, 165, 208, 212, 217-9, 231, 252) (H 142, 357, 359) (L 104) (N 40, 55) (P 145, 146, 171, 180, 243n) (S 31) (BB#3 unnamed 160)
'Willie' - Dr. Bob's nickname for Bill; Bill's grandmother's name for "Bill W."
Wilson, Barbara - Lois's sister, maid honor at wedding; worked for Baylis and Co. and introduced Bill there. (B 111, 137)
Wilson, Bill - see "Bill W."
Wilson, Christine - Bill's step mother. (P 80, 329, 360, 362)
Wilson, Clifford - pall bearer of Bertha
Bamford, Bill's childhood sweetheart. (P 36)
Wilson, Dorothy Brewster - Bill's younger sister, called "Dot", married Dr. Leonard Strong Jr., they helped pay Bill's hospitalizations. (B vi, 11, 188) (L 13, 86) (N 10) (P 15, 35) (W 139)
Wilson, Dr. Emily Griffith - Bill's mother, born 1870; divorced Bill's father when Bill was age 11; went to osteopathic school in Boston after divorce; helped pay Bill's Towns' hospitalization; refused nomination in Who's Who America; eccentric, kept no books, guest at 1955 International Convention, St. Louis; died wealthy May 15, 1961 at nursing home in Dobbs Ferry, New York, age 91, buried in East Dorset cemetery Griffin family plot, 2nd husbandDr. Stoebel died June, 1936. (B 12, 41, 188) (G 37, 39, 99) (L 13, 106) (N 10) (P 13-6, 19, 20, 22-5, 27-8, 40, 44-5, 75, 85, 288-90, 291, 324n, 329, 335, 350, 358, 380, 387) (W 139) (BB#3 unnamed 7)
Wilson, Family - Bill's family (picture) (P 41)
Wilson, Gilman Barrows - Bill's father, born 1870, called 'Gilly', deserted family in 1905, quarryman and heavy drinker, not an alcoholic, became manager of Marblehead Quarries, Canadian Marble Works Ltd., married Christine Bock; died February 14, 1954. (B 9, 12) (L 15, 22) (N 10) (P 14-5, 17, 22-4, 25, 42, 43, 80, 329, 336, 360, 362-3, 380) (W 137, 139)
Wilson, Helen - Bill's 1/2 sister born 1916, lived with Wilson's for a while in Bedford Hills; married Ralph R., got first paid job in subscription department of the A.A. Grapevine.(G 36) (L 139, 176) (P 80, 263, 321, 330, 335, 336)
Wilson, Lois Burnham - Bill's wife, attended well known Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, Friends School, graduated from Packer Institute Brooklyn in 1912, 2 years New York School of Fine and Applied Arts; worked for Central Branch YWCA in Brooklyn, taught at her aunt Marion's school in 1917 for 1 year; worked at Brooklyn Naval Hospital; studied Braille and transcribed several stories for the Saturday Evening Post; opened tea arbor in the summer of 1915, engaged to Bill in the fall of 1915 and married Bill January 24, 1918; worked at Macy's department store for $22.50 week plus 1% commission while Bill drank, attended 3 Oxford Group house parties with Bill; picture appeared in the Jack Alexander March 1, 1941 Saturday Evening Post article; she died October 5, 1988, 97 years old, buried October 10, 1988 in East Dorset, Vermont; See The Wilsons. (A 11, 46, 54, 61, 173, 179, 187, 228f) (B 82, 84-85, 99, 111, 132, 142-143) (C 4, 8) (D 70-1, 77-9, 87, , 90-1, 99, 107, 152, 168, 177-8, 208, 210, 212, 216, 235) (G 1, 3, 31, 54, 83) (H 198, 283, 354) (L 1, 4, 12-14, 22, 74, 114, 130, 156) (N 41) (P 27, 38, 39-40, 48, 55-9, 72-6, 77, 78, 81-4, 86-92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 104-6, 108, 109, 111, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122n, 125, 127, 131, 134, 135, 136, 144, 146, 147, 152, 158, 161-9, 174-7, 197, 200.212-22, 228, 229, 237, 238, 239, 241, 247, 248, 251, 255, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 267, 270-2, 274n, 275, 278, 279, 281, 283, 286-91, 293, 294, 313, 321, 324n, 327-330, 335, 337, 360-361, 371, 372, 381, 393, 395, 400, 401, 402, 403) (W 145-147)
Wilson, 'Widow' - Bill's grandmother, ran the Wilson House hotel in East Dorset, VT. (P 13, 42)
Wilson, Woodrow - US president, Bill's family may have been related to him. (P 15, 39)
Winans, Frank - Chicago banker; On April 8, 1932 formed a long term speculative syndicate with Bill and Arthur Wheeler based on Bill not taking even 1 drink; middle of May 1932 Bill drank Jersey Lighting applejack, ending that venture. (A 56) (B 180-181) (L 83) (P 90-91) (BB#3 unnamed 5, ?138)
Windows, Ray - close friend Dr. Bob's daughter at age 12, Sue's first beau and 2nd husband, married her December 19 1975, died August 3, 1989. (C 11-12, 85, 95) (D 93, 106)
Windows, Sue - born February 15, 1918, the Smith's adopted her in 1923, married in the autumn 1935 for 24 years to Ernie G. A.A. #4, married Ray Windows December 19, 1975, age 48, started to drink in 1966; she helped type the stories in the 1st edition Big Book, read it 36 years after published, Dr. Bob's nickname for her "T." after character 'Hortensia Twitchbottom', died February 9, 2002; See Sue Smith Windows Passes (A 6, 68) (C 2, 11-13, 52, 80-81, 128) (D 10, 15, 30, 35-7, 43-4, 50, 60, 69, 71-2, 74, 80, 87, 91, 93-4, 98, 105-7, 115, 126, 132, 154, 290, 297, 311-2, 318, 321, 344) (E 14) (L 77, 96) (N 316) (P 76n, 140, 152, 155, 336) (S 31)
Wing, Nell - non-alcoholic executive secretary, assistant to Bill, worked at General Service Office March 3, 1947-1982, as secretary receptionist, secretary A.A. World Services Inc Board, General Service Conference duties, publications editor; heard about A.A. while attending Keuka College in central New York State in Sept 1939 reading article 'Alcoholics and God' in Liberty magazine, a non-conformist, met Bill March 4, 1947; began archival activity 1957, General office archivist 1971-1982; retired 1982; at 55th Anniversary International Convention in Seattle 1990 she was given the 10 millionth copy of the Big Book. Nell was a surprise visitor to the 51st Annual General Service Conference 2001. (D 81) (E 21) (G ix, 1, 5-7, 90, 93, 101-102, 113, 121) (L 166) (N xii, 252) (P 293, 294, 357, 364, 371, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403) (S 29) (W 182)
'Woman' - Dr. Bob's nickname for student nurses (D 48)
Wood, John E. F. - young attorney recruited for the legal work establishing Alcoholic Foundation; One of the first non-alcoholic members of the Alcoholic Foundation. (A 151-152) (E 18) (H 61) (P 188)
Wright Brothers - proved ideas about flying machines. (P 31) (BB#3 51-2)
Wright, J. Carroll - sent Bill and Dr. Bob prospects, minister of Presbyterian Church that the Smith's attended, asked them not to attend, causing friction due to alcoholics; due to this Bob joined Dr. Tunks' Episcopalian Church. (C 127) (D 77, 119)
Wylie, Mrs. - owner of Blythewood Sanitarium, let A.A. hold meetings there. (A 18-9) (L 127) (P 216)
Wylie, Philip - wrote article "Philip Wylie Jabs a Little Needle into Complacency", said he was alcoholic, quit solo. (H 97-9)
Wynn L - her story "Freedom From Bondage" appears in 2nd and 3rd editions of Big Book. (BB2 553-62 / BB3 544-53)
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Mr. X. - what Dr. Harry Tiebout called "Bill W" in papers when quoting him; also used to refer to "Clarence S." in pamphlet of sermon by Dr. Dilworth Lupton; name liquor trade association wanted to use referring to their educator in publicity. (A 20, 108, 309) (B 335)
Zerelda - spent night with Wilson's. (P 335)
Index of AA History Pages on Barefoot's Domain
As in so many things, especially with we alcoholics, our History is our Greatest Asset!.. We each arrived at the doors of AA with an intensive and lengthy "History of Things That Do Not Work" .. Today, In AA and In Recovery, Our History has added an intensive and lengthy "History of Things That DO Work!!" and We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it!!
ABC Page 60 from the Big Book
Barefoot's World
On the Web March 14, 2002 in the Spirit of Cooperation
Three mighty important things, Pardn'r, LOVE And PEACE and SOBRIETY